June 17, 2020

Being an individual, common law and sovereignty

By: Tony Knight

Meditation, observation and self-enquiry is nothing but a device to make you aware of your real, natural Self – which is not created by you, which need not be created by you, which you ALREADY ARE. YOU were born with it. You are it! It needs to be discovered.

Becoming an individual is dangerous to the mob

No society or Government easily allows us to discover our real self, because the real, critical thinking Self is dangerous….dangerous for the established church, dangerous for the state, dangerous for the self imposed rulers, dangerous for the crowd, dangerous for the tradition and history, because once a being knows their real Self, they become an individual and

Individuals are extremely dangerous because they are not easily controlled! They no longer belong to the mob psychology, they will not be superstitious, they cannot be easily exploited, they cannot be led like cattle, they cannot be ordered and commanded by the state to conform to their ideologies.

Individuals are extremely dangerous because they are not easily controlled!

What is a sovereign being

Sovereigns are individuals who recognise their inherent natural reality and therefore they know their rights because of their direct connection with the Earth and divine. Each individual has their own ‘contract’ with the divine creator, and if everyone in the plenty recognised this, we would have paradise on Earth, as there would be a oneness connection with every other sovereign being.

Being sovereign does not mean to be ‘elite’, it is the exact opposite, however because this term is used in the Royal circles, people assume that none of us commoners have any rights to claim our sovereign status.

Common laws and sovereigns

Sovereigns uphold and subscribe to common law, which simply states “do no harm” to anyone or anyone’s property. How simple is that? Harm can be categorised as assaulting, stealing, killing, poisoning, tampering, defacing, lying or cheating.

Sovereigns uphold and subscribe to common law, which simply states “do no harm” to anyone or anyone’s property.

Common laws run parallel to, and interconnect with, natural law and moral laws. The 10 commandments were the church’s way of stating common and moral laws. Common law is simply the Earth based laws which uphold natural and moral laws.

What is Nature and the natural elements

Natural laws are easily adaptive and very applicable to a persons life because we are born from nature into nature. We are an expression of natural law in human form, born of the fact that we exist and have consciousness.

Nature comprises the physical natural elements and components we see such as, vegetation, mountains, minerals, soil, humans, animals, water, fire, planet Earth, and it also comprises all things unseen, such as air, ether, energy, electromagnetism, gravity, invisible light spectrum.

These aspects and elements of nature, all correspond directly to our existence, behaviours, attitudes, states of feeling and thoughts, our physical functions, our body and every aspect of our body right down to our cellular, atomic structure.

Implementing natural laws into life

When we are aware of how these natural elements can be used and consciously implemented into our Life, we can greatly accelerate our awareness to such a degree, that we can become that sovereign individual. The example of nature itself shows us, that each element has its own individual ‘status’, yet all of nature is working cooperatively together, because that’s the natural reality, and human beings are no different.

We are in fact natural beings, that once realised, we can only move forward and up in expanded energy. We are here to discover nature and the laws, and once we are aligned with that, we become our true nature, which is freedom and love.

We are here to discover nature and the laws, and once we are aligned with that, we become our true nature, which is freedom and love.

Tony Knight

Hi, I am a soul wanderer and pilot of the EarthStarShip, and my purpose on Earth is to discover and spread the universal truths and natural laws for the conscious freedom of all humanity.

2 comments on “Being an individual, common law and sovereignty”

  1. Hi Tony,
    I have been researching this subject for quite some time and am VERY intrigued by the fact that "We, the people" are not aware of this!! Could you please direct me to the process of becoming a sovereign so that I can help others, but also escape this prison of a system that binds us to the crown...I am aware of the maritime/admiralty law and the terms used to keep us confused. Please help me escape this fraudulent system!!

    1. Hi Stacy
      Thankyou for your response to my blog
      To start your journey please go to this web site

      This is a great place to start. Also I saggiest you search for a You tube channel called “gemstone University”.

      Go well and keep in touch
      Best regards

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