Whenever we delve into the ancient texts and knowledge teachings, you will come across what is known as the holy trinity. This trinity of creation or manifestation, figures in every culture and is much more than some religious dogma, or what it seems on the surface, it is in fact an energetic science.
Manifestation is a type of alchemical science
The trinity is a scientific truth that is based on the power and significance of the number three. It is said that all things appear as manifest on the physical 3D plane when energy appears as “three”. In other words the number one relates to the 1st dimension, number two to the second dimension of creation and once the evolution of energy reaches three, matter in our physical world appears, as if by alchemical magic.
‘Three’ in ancient days was originally counted as number one. There are many references and applications to this trinity, which when understood can assist anyone to better understand how to create and maintain your true desires and intentions. The trinity is related on many levels, from the micro to the macro, there are three sides to a triangle and three is related to the creation of the universe and humanity. For example, matter is created by a process of three main steps, which is a fractal of our entire existence, spirit, mind and body.
the number one relates to the 1st dimension, number two to the second dimension of creation and once the evolution of energy reaches three, matter in our physical world appears, as if by alchemical magic.
Trinities are everywhere in nature and life
Spirit, mind and body, could also be applied in many other scenarios, such as creator, creating, creation, or; creating, maintaining and destruction, or; seed, nurture, fruit, or; beginning, middle and end (of a particular natural cycle, stage of life or any project) This never ending cycling of threes can be used as a model in which to begin the process of creating and maintaining anything, from a project, business, relationship, meeting, or a life.
We can use certain values attributable to each trinity set, for example in a relationship you may agree the three key values are communication, responsibility and love, or in a business it may be truth, conscious co creation and freedom (some of my personal examples). In our body, three keys for balance are the base chakra (ground, foundation), heart chakra (love, centre of emotional balance) and third eye (intentions, open mind). There are countless applications, only limited by our mind and beliefs.
Intention attention and action
What I wanted to focus on for this article, is one of the key foundational models for the trinity and that is what I call intention, attention and action, or seed, nurture and fruit. This is foundational, because this trinity model depicts how nature itself works. It is the fundamental structure which underlies how creation works, in manifesting from the spirit world (seed/intention), through the mental/ emotional aspect of right attention, into the physical world (fruit/action). Intentions as described by Dr Wayne Dyer, are a “field of energy that you can access to begin co-creating your life”.
What are intentions?
Setting intentions is using your imagination to tap into the universal field of intelligent energy, which will be happy to oblige, if your intentions are clear and focused, and once it appears, we can maintain the resulting creation through proper attention and actions. It is a clear 3 step process, which if followed correctly can never fail, as this is a science, not wishful thinking. “Act as if what you intend to manifest in life is already a reality. Eliminate thoughts of conditions, limitations, or the possibility of it not manifesting. If left undisturbed in your mind and in the mind of intention simultaneously, it will germinate in the physical world” Wayne Dyer.
Setting intentions is using your imagination to tap into the universal field of intelligent energy, which will be happy to oblige, if your intentions are clear and focused.
What is proper attention?
The next stage of the manifestation process is attention. Intention is sowing the seed with our electric thoughts, attention is like the watering of the seed, our sustained concentration on the tasks and outcome. Attention is greatly enhanced by adding our magnetic emotions and feelings into the process. Attention could also be likened to the fanning of the spark, it is the ongoing sustaining and maintaining of the original intention over a period of time, it is the nurturing process of the seed until it germinates into a plant. There is a saying where attention goes, energy flows and this is correct, however it is made far more potent when we are conscious of our original intention, otherwise there is no direction.
Using attention correctly in exposing truth in the world
On the topic of attention, I will make one point which I think is important when it comes to exposing the truth in the world. Many people think that to delve into and expose the ‘dark side of truth’, or so called conspiracy theories, is misdirected attention, but I disagree. With a clear intention to shine light on the truth, and through attention into researching that, this can release us from further mental/emotional blockages, because once we know the difference between theory and fact, and we see the light of truth, we gain energy through knowledge and understanding. The trick is to not get stuck down the ‘rabbit hole’, and to balance outward truth seeking, with an inward exploration into ourselves, and using left brain logic with right brain feeling and intuition.
Right action means with the least effort
The final stage of our manifestation process is taking action. With right intention, this leads to right attention, which naturally gravitates into right action with the least amount of effort. Your intended vision cannot be manifested into the physical, without sustained action that is aligned with your intention and attention. All three are intertwined with each other. Action can be seen as taking the action necessary and it’s also the receiving of the fruits that are borne of the intention, attention and actions.
Intention, attention and actions are all intertwined with each other
Action is related to planning, as well as actively networking with people, and it’s the harvest. The seed of the next intention and cycle is always in the actions, each stage of intention, and attention contain there own actions, and each action contains inherent intentions and attention. Wheels within wheels, and it’s a matter of using your mind and feelings, to attain integration and implementation, all along the chain from seed intent to active harvest, or giving and receiving energy. It’s a technology and science and can be quite challenging to explain, the best way to know is to do and practice.
The basic crux of manifesting anything, is to implement the blueprint that is utilised by nature in the effortless cycles of creation. As conscious natural beings, we can easily harness the energy of nature through observation and knowledge, in order to then recreate the same process in our own lives. Nature is never working under strain or duress, we only experience stress and difficulties when we are not aligned within ourselves and our values, desires, thoughts, feelings and external actions and life.
Nature is never working under strain or duress, we only experience stress and difficulties when we are not aligned within ourselves and our values, desires, thoughts, feelings and external actions and life.