June 2, 2020

The natural laws of reality, science and spirituality

By: Tony Knight

When it comes to the natural laws, many people are not even aware of them, or they have forgotten their meaning and how they are the core foundation to any life or the world. The natural laws are speaking of the nature of reality, and the reality of nature. Reality is what we consider as truth, reality can be verified through both scientific means and spiritual means. Science in ancient language actually means truth. Reality is a very abstract term, and for many people it means little, however by breaking down reality into smaller ‘pieces’, using nature and the natural laws as a benchmark, we can build a model for life that is simply explained and easier to understand.

Science and money

Science today is no longer following true scientific principles, science has become politicised and its main purpose is not to decipher the truth, now it’s money and political power that is more important. Science has played a powerful role in our lives, through our education. Science today is always changing, because so many people have vested interests and science reaches deep into influencing our lives today, particularly through medical, technological, biological and environmental science.

Science today is no longer following true scientific principles, science has become politicised

There is a lot of science being espoused however there appears to be very little interest in doing proper testing of our proposed technologies, or reaching deeper back into history in order to delve into the wealth of information available that is largely ignored. Our ancient history shows quite clear evidence of advanced forms of technology. Even in recent history, powerful break throughs in the medical and technological arenas, have been ignored or shut down. Nikola Tesla is one example that springs to mind.

Spirituality meets science

Then we have the spiritual realm of information and knowledge, of which the ancient masters concluded the same as forward thinking scientists in advanced physics and the ‘quantum’ sciences. In a nutshell, there is clear evidence that all is energy, all matter is Light and based on vibration, everything is connected via electro magnetic energy throughout the universe, and human beings are inextricably interwoven into this electric field of universal energy. This is why the masters say, “we are all one”, because at the deepest level we are all one energy, we appear separate in form only.

The Hermetic Laws and Science of Light

Within the seven Hermetic principles, sometimes called the natural laws, we can arrive at the same conclusions as above. They are the laws of mentalism, correspondence, vibration, rhythm, polarity and gender. And there are some more modern day scientists such as Walter Russell, who deduced that all is light, the universe is electric in nature and energy moves in certain toroidal and geometric patterns. There are many advanced souls who are piecing together the universe into one huge interconnected web, essentially consisting of nothing and everything.

At the core of everything, is nothing, a vacuum of ‘super potential energy’, that reacts with our thoughts and feelings, and this is how we create the world of everything we see. And this lattice of energy, and our physical world, can be explained by numbers (mathematics), geometry, Light waves, sound frequencies, colours, thought patterns, emotions, natural elements and laws.

At the core of everything, is nothing, a vacuum of ‘super potential energy’, that reacts with our thoughts and feelings, and this is how we create the world of everything we see.

The love of power and money is greater than the power of love and truth
Once we can fully understand these abstract concepts, we can see how our linear sciences espoused by Darwin, Newton, Edison, etc are now outdated and unfit for use in a world of balanced reality and community fulfilment. When the base foundation knowledge is incorrect, or no longer suitable for this day and age, society will break down into a fragmented, disconnected world, as the love of power and money is greater than the power of love and truth. This is what’s happening today, as the ‘powers that be’ need to maintain the same level of control over the population, however the people are waking up to the deeper truths, and the fact that there are better, more inclusive, cooperative ways of living.

Natural principles create a solid foundation

Cooperation, inclusion, fairness and other community based values come from natural principles, one only has to observe nature for some time to see how it works together, there is no competition, arbitrary hierarchy and anything that excludes without reason. Nature follows cycles and the law of Rhythm in its seasonal cycles, night and day etc. Nature is a noun, and a verb, meaning nature is not just a physical object, it also explains a process or action (and inaction) and it's both objective and subjective.

Nature is a noun, and a verb, meaning nature is not just a physical object, it also explains a process or action (and inaction) and it's both objective and subjective.

We are natural beings, born via an inherent natural process, into a natural world, and we are sustained by natural means via our food, water, air, warmth and nurturing love and care. And even when we die, this is all part of the natural process of life, however due to much fear and heavy conditioning, the sacredness of death has been all but extinguished, certainly in western countries.

In order to create a truly sustainable, people inclusive world of cooperation and healthy communities, we need to instigate common law, uphold moral laws, understand the natural laws and ultimately see ourselves as part of universal law in existence.

Natural, moral and common laws in society

Moral and Common laws come from natural principles, and the “do no harm” principle applies. One should not steal, kill, cheat etc, these are basic standards to which anyone can live by, however currently our legal system has one law for the rulers and different applications to the people. This is a complicated area and I’m not going to go into that here.

We now live in a society where anything is open to interpretation in many different ways, because we have a system based on complexity, not simplicity and respecting fair justice for all. Our legal and banking system work together in order to protect the system they have created, not for the people that works for and serves that system. We have a system that inflicts great pain on people for not following their draconian rules.

So the bottom line is, nature and the natural laws, once inbuilt into a system, will automatically allow for a much greater level of freedom, as then the laws are coming from a solid foundation of science and spirituality. In other words, the technologies and education we adhere to are for the greater good of all humanity, not just for a few.

...the technologies and education we adhere to are for the greater good of all humanity, not just for a few.

Tony Knight

Hi, I am a soul wanderer and pilot of the EarthStarShip, and my purpose on Earth is to discover and spread the universal truths and natural laws for the conscious freedom of all humanity.

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