There is no doubt that there is a lot going on in the world, however for many people they did not notice, or were refusing to notice the growing craziness in the world. Now that Covid-19 has struck, many people are waking up and are now taking notice that something’s not right.
When it comes to the world system, many people simply ignored trying to understand it. It’s too big, too scary, too meaningless to know! I think many people are being forced out of their comfort zones and having to now face many uncomfortable realisations about our world.
...many people are being forced out of their comfort zones and having to now face many uncomfortable realisations about our world.
Everything moves in cycles
The world and humanity has always moved in cycles, we’ve had empires and civilisations rise and fall throughout Millenia, just as we see everything in the world go through various cycles. This happens because nature itself is constantly rising and falling, humans ‘arise,' in the morning and ‘fall’ at nighttime and we all have constant bio-rhythms or energy rising and falling within us.
So if the day, month, seasons, climate and us humans are in constant change and cycling around, of course our world system is going to be doing the same. We created the system, and we will destroy it, in order that a new system may be built that is a greater expression of harmony and balance for all, as clearly it is not in balance with the people of this planet.
The system controllers want order for themselves
History always goes with the victors, and our history is simply a story from those currently in power in order to suit their agenda, and there is an agenda whether people agree with that or not. Nothing in the world is random, everything has been created and designed consciously in order that the system controllers can have what they deem as ‘order’.
Order maybe good for some, but when that ‘order’ means that millions of people are starving, without their own home, proper sanitation, insufficient funds or resources to live on and the planet is being systematically destroyed by the same conglomerates who tell us WE people must do something, you know there is something very wrong in the world.
Ancient education systems
There has always been a reluctance to look at the world, however it is understandable because we have never been educated in understanding how the world works. In our education system we are not taught how to manage our finances, science is still the old outdated Newton and Darwin theories, history is distorted and grossly manipulated, mathematics has lost a lot of its sacredness and our language has lost its true original meanings, or etymology of words.
In the ancient mystery schools of Babylonia, Egypt and Greece, students were taught the trivium and quadrivium known as the 7 liberal arts. The trivium consisted of fully understanding the three parts of grammar, logical reasoning and rhetoric, which is a system of understanding true knowledge and turning that into wisdom. The Quadrivium is a four part body of knowledge, consisting of mathematics, geometry, music and the astrological sciences, which when known will lead to great power within us.
We’ve lost our connection
Because we’ve lost our connection to learning the way the world is created, cycles, the universe and everything else in between, we have lost connection to not only what to think, but how to think and why, where we are, and who we are. Because we have lost this indelible connection between ourself and the natural world, we have also lost connection between ourselves and the man made world.
We are basically either brought up in a fundamentalist style religion, an agnostic/new age type environment, or as an atheist believing in scientific dogmas and erroneous teachings about materialism, reductionism and chemistry etc, all paths which simply lead to a separated, divided, bound up world.
Add to this the layers of a financial system that only benefits the 1% because they own everything including the right to print their own money, and the legal/political system which is effectively there just to protect the bankers, corporations, politicians and the system itself, and you have a recipe for disaster.
Because we’ve lost our connection to learning the way the world is created, cycles, the universe and everything else in between, we have lost connection to not only what to think, but how to think and why, where we are, and who we are.
The greatest danger to mankind is ourselves
The greatest danger to mankind at this present time, is mankind himself, not anything in nature. The greatest thing preventing mankind from resolving the growing list of issues, is our beliefs and ignorance. And particularly we are ignorant of the ‘matrix system’ and we have many beliefs, which is our conditioning through media, movies, video games and our faulty education system previously mentioned.
From cradle to grave, we are brought up in a system where we don’t know any other way and we die after having worked hard all our lives, paid our taxes because we were told they all go to the roads and public utilities etc, yet we find out that this is mot the case at all. We are like slaves to a system, literally. We are taught not to question or stick our neck out, and our neighbours and friends will soon remind us of this if we do!
Fear keeps us separated and divided
The other thing that has been a major block to our awareness and knowledge, is the preoccupation to keep people in fear, there is always a bogey man coming to get us, there is always something that we are taught to worry about (CoVid-19!), yet we are never told to face the fear, what/who is perpetuating it, or how to deal with it.
A fearful population is a compliant and controllable population. The new age, or religious movement further reinforces this, either it is Satan, disembodied spirits or our sins that will get us if we fall out of line. We are always seeking, never finding, because we just go round and round in circles, known as the Hegelian dialectic.
A fearful population is a compliant and controllable population.
We are also taught that to be spiritual, we must ignore money, our body is secondary and just basically a machine, the world system should never be looked into because that is another sin! Remember the separateness taught via our schooling? The system is separate to us, we are separate to nature, we are separate to each other (social distancing), everything is random and everyone is just out of luck and time!
We ARE all spiritual, of spirit
Nothing could be further from the truth! We are all connected to everything, everything at its core is energy, and that includes us people. True spirituality is learning this and much more on how to be a human, how to realise our energy frequency, how to dispel fear by facing our fears, not running away!
To become spiritual is a misnomer, we ALL just ARE spiritual by virtue that we are of spirit and we all have a soul that animates our body. Spirituality teaches about causes not effects, and our connection to nature and all living things. Spirituality is about furthering life itself and knowing that death is not the end, but the beginning of a new cycle.
Spirituality and the world system are connected
What has all this got to do with the matrix and the system? Basically everything! When we study ourselves and energy, and realise we are all connected, we realise for that to be effected, we must also be connected to our material, system or world.
Living in our earthly realms consists of numerous transactions and interactions each and every single day, in order to function. We must earn a living, so we can buy food and maintain our house, for transportation, to warm ourselves with heating and trade or exchange our value for something of equal value, hence money.
We have all come to Earth as a free soul being, we all have a connection to a higher spirit or creator by virtue of that birthing experience and therefore we need to reconnect to that divine aspect of ourselves in order to be a fully valued and functioning being on Earth.
So as a matrix cycologist (Psychologist), I have taken it upon myself to learn everything I can about true spirituality and the material world system, because that is what can create a truly balanced and connected life, along with understanding our left and right sides of our brain and harmonising with that and our heart and body!
...we need to reconnect to that divine aspect of ourselves in order to be a fully valued and functioning being on Earth.
Love it. Feel like I am on a journey. Keep up the good work
Thank you Wendy!
Your comments are much appreciated and I agree, we are on a big journey!
Best regards
Thank you very much 😇♥️💎🙏. Keep up the wonderful journey.
Thank you Joseph!
I think I will. 😀