When it comes to truth, there seems to be much confusion over what it actually is, why is it so important and how can it be applied to create freedom in our lives.
Truth is like life itself, it is a journey and without taking the first steps, then we can never reach our goals and manifest our visions. Truth and knowledge can also be likened to our foundation, when we have the right knowledge, then truth can be applied to our lives in the right way.
Truth and knowledge can also be likened to our foundation, when we have the right knowledge, then truth can be applied to our lives in the right way.
Have the will to know truth
To understand truth, we must download the will to seek it. Nothing moves in the world for you, until we put our will, desire and intention into something, we can never bring about the positive changes we so desperately need. It is said that the will to know the truth is the highest impulse, this is because it is at its core it’s objective, although we must swim through the current of subjective truths to get there!
Sophism and solipsism
Many people get lost in the subjectivity and give up thinking truth is knowable, or it is purely subjective, meaning that there is only ‘my truth’ or ‘your truth’ and nothing else. This is exactly want keeps us disempowered and allows the powers that be on Earth to manipulate us and keep us forever seeking, but never finding. The New Age movement is rife with this thinking, also known as sophism and solipsism. An example of solipsism is the idea that nothing matters except yourself and sophism is a clever but false argument, especially one used deliberately to deceive.
Seek truth as primary
So many people are seeking beauty and justice which is all good and honourable pursuits, but if we are not seeking truth as primary, then all beauty and justice will simply fall into a hole of oblivion, it cannot be sustained naturally because the foundation is not there, it’s like building a house on quick sand. The basis of what our life and world matrix is built on is far from the truth. It is a slippery slope of subjective lies, moral relativity, deception and secrecy.
When it comes to truth, there are various levels, applications and elements, which when understood helps us to distinguish the correct context in which truth applies, as follows;
Truth of the physical world – you could state this very simply as “what happened and what’s happening now”. This truth depicts our past history, what people did or are doing, facts, evidence, proof, references, case studies, documents, transactions, all the aspects that make up our transactional world, or what transpired. History is a vital truth, because when we know true history then we can have a much broader knowledge on who we are and just how powerful we actually are. When we are unaware of our history, we are destined to be greatly disempowered. Also when corrupt people in authority are lying and committing acts of self interest, then the secrecy around these acts are greatly subverting the common good. This is happening everywhere throughout the political world, media, and education.
When we are unaware of our history, we are destined to be greatly disempowered.
Truth of our mental and emotional world – there are many vital truths in the this domain that are often misappropriated. The mind is a gateway and can hold the truth or illusion. The mind is simply a tool and when you understand how the tool works, via thoughts and intentions, then you can come to know more truth. The truth is beliefs do not create anything sustainable, beliefs are rife mainly because of the previous level, due to our erroneous education, faulty science, history and lies in the media. The truth of how our feelings work with our thoughts shows how we manifest anything. Desire or will, aligned with feelings and emotions, will certainly create the desire, if sustained long enough. The heart knows the truth, when we are adept enough and integrated with our mind.
Truth of nature, natural sciences and laws – this arena could be considered where objective, immutable and fundamental truths are located. The science and laws of creation, energy, Light, vibration, rhythm, gender, polarity and cause and effect are timeless and will never change. Imagine if the laws that underpin all reality and matter kept changing?! We would have total chaos! Also the laws of how energy creates, electromagnetism, quantum physics, gravity maybe subject to great debate, but that’s only because our sciences have been incorrectly interpreted for centuries. The truth does not change, it is man and his beliefs and dogmas that change. Nature itself (including humanity) is a physical manifestation of these laws and we can learn to reverse engineer nature to arrive at the same conclusions re creation as the ageless wisdom found in ancient spiritual and gnostic texts.
The truth does not change, it is man and his beliefs and dogmas that change.
The absolute truth of the divine intelligence or source – this truth is largely unknown by most people on Earth, because we reside in a polarity based world (which in itself is a law or truth), then we are unable to know this truth. I think this is where many of the misunderstandings arrive, as people see this area as the only true truth, and if it is considered unknowable, then people give up on trying to understand the lower level truths just mentioned. You cannot have the penthouse, without the lower floor below it, and truth is no different.
Truth and love
Further to truth, many people will say yes, what about love, isn’t that more important that truth? Yes and no. Love is like truth, it is expressed on different levels and contexts. For example, there is making love, being in love, expressing heartfelt love, and we ARE love, everything is created and sustained because of “love.” Love is like the right hand of the left hand truth. They are two sides of the same coin, and ultimately that are one and the same. Truth can be seen as the masculine laws or science and love is the power or feminine energy. Truth is direction or structure and love is the power or fuel. All manifestation needs both and they are interchangeable, truth is love and love is truth.
Knowledge is power and the truth shall set you free when you know to express and live love and truth. Reconciling the opposites creates balance, where key elements of our nature can merged into one whole. This is why nature is so good as a model, because it exhibits this perfect harmony and balance without any effort.
Truth is direction or structure and love is the power or fuel.