In these times of great deceit, where there is much turmoil in the world, I like to reflect on the big picture and look at where the world is going, and how it is being directed. There is a clear cut strategy to lump people into large opposing groups, this is called “collectivism”.
If you happen to fall outside of these “pigeon holes”, then you can be labelled as racist, homophobic, conspiracy theorist, right wing, left wing, fascist, capitalist, communist or whatever suits at the time to create more division.
Oneness and unity begins with the individual
The antidote to collectivism is for the individual to regain their freedom of rights and understanding of ‘where they stand’. Empowering the individual is not creating more division or ego, like we have been taught and led to believe! Oneness and unity, always begins with an individual that is conscious and one with themselves.
An awakened human who knows the truth of who they are, and where they stand, will automatically enroll and affect others into the same unified understanding. A forest begins with a single tree, just as a family begins with a single human being and eventually you have the family ‘tree’.
Awakening individuals is the ultimate power
Empowered individuals will always understand critical, logical thinking and they also understand emotional receptivity and heart based feelings. An empowered human being is connected to spirit above and the Earth below. It is said in Buddhist teachings, that one truly awakened human being does more for the planet that anything else, just look at the impact that Buddha had on the planet! The teachings live on today after 2500 years, and although they may not be exactly what Buddha taught in its purity, many Buddhists, or people who learn his teachings, get many positive understandings and can therefore evolve and grow. Even in other traditional Christian teachings, although I don’t often agree with religion in its controlling dogmatism, it assists many people to grow spiritually and as a human being, because it’s what they need at the time.
It is said in Buddhist teachings, that one truly awakened human being does more for the planet that anything else, just look at the impact that Buddha had on the planet!
Truth is subjective and objective
The inner strength and balance of an individual, leads to strong values in families, which leads to strong diverse communities, which in turn leads to strong unified nations and world. The virtue signalling which we see a lot of today, does not lead to virtuous living, no matter how many times it is repeated. When politicians wax lyrical about wonderful values like kindness, peace, love and other such things, they cannot be grounded as integral until people know and live the truth.
The inner strength and balance of an individual, leads to strong values in families, which leads to strong diverse communities, which in turn leads to strong unified nations and world.
Values such as these are like dust in the wind, until there is an underlying foundation in which to balance and integrate the values, and this means having lots of experiences, understanding the law of polarity and knowing truth. The truth is within and outside of us.
There is the truth of who we are, the truth of how we live, and the truth that is happening in the world. And yes the outer truths are subjective, meaning they are somewhat personal to each person at their level of understanding, however when people learn more about themselves and the objective truths, which are natural principles and laws, then the subjective truths of what’s going on in the world become more aligned in context.
An example of balancing truth in politics
To give an example, in politics we have labels for left wing and right wing affiliation. The left wing camp will say that we must look after the poor, the environment and pay attention to the social need of the community, however the only way that is going to happen properly is by considering the ‘right wing’ needs of production, taking responsibility for ones self and taking actions that create abundance to pay for the genuine welfare required.
This is a macro example of the importance of balancing the polarities of life. This comes about through consciously aware individuals, who understand their objective nature, and hopefully some are in positions of power and leadership authority!
Objective truth is our foundation
What I find is the best way to understand objective truth is to see it as a foundation for life, just as our Earth is an objective foundation ‘home’ for us to live on. Natural principles and universal laws are solid, unchanging immutable truths, which makes them objective and these translate into quality moral and common laws to base a balanced society. “Do no harm” or, “do not cheat, lie, steal or kill” is surely a commonsense moral law, which can easily be a simple basis for our legal system, of common law. Natural laws can create a legal system that is in harmony with all human beings, as we are all unified by nature and creative forces.
Develop faith to truly gain empowerment
I think it is important to mention at this point, a key value or tenet to learn and know is FAITH. This is unifying and integrally valuable, to assist us in growing as a spirit or soul, having a human experience. Faith is what religion or spiritual teachings are really supposed to teach. Faith is being able to feel safe and secure, when we don’t have all the “evidence” of where we are heading.
Faith is being able to feel safe and secure, when we don’t have all the “evidence” of where we are heading.
Faith in it’s most powerful, creates the evidence and drive we need to keep going when everything looks dark and unknown. We would not advance as a being, or as humanity if we had to “know” everything before we did anything. We harness faith, so that we CAN know, and so that we grow inwardly as a soul and outwardly as a human being. The inward - outward bio feedback mechanism is very important to assist us to do what we know is right.
Following our heart is faith
We must especially encourage children to develop faith, by teaching them to follow their heart. Children will do this naturally, however we as adults often want to shut them down, because we have forgotten how to follow our heart and do what we love, and to have faith in a higher power. The ultimate faith is this type of faith, via the heart, via love, which in turn connects us to a higher power greater than our physical/mental self.
We must especially encourage children to develop faith, by teaching them to follow their heart.
Faith coupled with truth, is a powerful combination which can literally create miracles and move mountains if we knew we could. Same with this current world situation, we must harness faith, know truth and then kindness and peace will be understood in proper context and as a way to live a healthy balanced life.
The goal is freedom
Freedom is the goal for many who understand & know themselves. This is only possible by living with natural truths and faith, grounded in our individuality, as central tenets on which to base a life of freedom in our community (come-unity, co-immunity) and world at large.
Perfect. I wouldn't change a word. And you know how pedantic I am about words 🤣🤣🤣 seriously though I'm right behind you and will have more time and energy now the survival things nearly put in it's place.
Power to the people. For the people by the people.
Thanks Gilly! Keep the faith! Lots of love u know that. ❤️