May 6, 2020

The meaning of Atonement

By: Tony Knight

I have been reading (slowly) the seminal book, A Course in Miracles. They talk about the “Atonement” as the cure of all our incorrect thinking and beliefs…basically it is the ultimate red pill!!

Once you swallow what the atonement actually is, because it can be nebulous, (and many here won’t get it) and what it actually does, then you would take the Atonement pill without question, because it becomes so obvious!

Basically we humans are suffering from a major case of self delusion, ignorance, and incorrect beliefs about the fundamentals of who we really are, and therefore all our views of our world paradigm, and ourselves, are incorrect by virtue of one core belief that lies deep within you - that we are separate beings, alone in the world. We have been subjected to layer upon layer upon layer of false conditioning and fearful beliefs that constantly affirm we are separate and “bad."

ALL beliefs by nature are incorrect, they all have come from someone else, or something outside of you, (news) and they need to be removed…then along comes the Atonement, which can sweep them all away!

ALL beliefs by nature are incorrect, they all have come from someone else

To ‘Atone’ is to clear away the debris of all our false conditioning and beliefs in one fell may seem like a word laden with connotations of religion, but that’s your conditioning kicking in. To really atone, is even beyond forgiveness, it is a definite DECISION to set your Self and the great creator as ONE.

At-ONE-meant…to translate another way, when we know we are one with the creator and the One Earth, when we download this truth that is incontrovertible, as a basic tenet of our life, then it can render all our other erroneous beliefs Null and Void. There are no mistakes, there are no wrong decisions, there are no heinous crimes or perversions that we have committed, or think we have committed, that CANNOT be atoned for! It’s as simple as that!

To ‘Atone’ is to clear away the debris of all our false conditioning and beliefs in one fell swoop

Like I said many of you will be lost at this point, you will think I have lost my mind, and guess what? You are right!, Because in a manner of speaking, I HAVE, that’s the point, we have to get beyond our mind, and move into the knowing Self that is where our heart/soul and inner nature resides.

Simply entertain the thought of Atonement, and you will see how that one thought could take you on a journey that could fundamentally alter the course of your life forever on the right track. This is the correct use of the mind, to seed it with incontrovertible truths and values that are timeless laws of Nature, and you, can show you how, if your mind will let it!

we have to get beyond our mind, and move into the knowing Self that is where our heart/soul and inner nature resides

Tony Knight

Hi, I am a soul wanderer and pilot of the EarthStarShip, and my purpose on Earth is to discover and spread the universal truths and natural laws for the conscious freedom of all humanity.

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