Have you noticed that all of the prime elements of this world have either been under constant attack, or have been shielded and maligned by many sources, on-goingly since like forever? And now that this Corona virus has struck, it appears as though all humans are under attack!
The SUN…is the true symbol of Jesus, Abraham, Horus, Ra, and in fact almost every religious prophet throughout the ages, since ancient Babylonian days. The sun and nature can kill any malignant virus!
The sun is the “Light of the World”, the one that literally annihilates the darkness and brings warmth and LIFE to this planet. The sun has been referred to as the Son of God, (God is referred to as the original one intelligent creator) ‘The Father’ is not gender specific, it is old school language meaning “creator” and out of that creative intelligence, came the creation of the universe, galaxy and from that the solar system was birthed with our Sun, the offspring of God. The bible is one huge metaphoric story and half of it is irrelevant and the rest is a story about the stars and the constellations, as the sun moves around and in front of each area of space…
Can you imagine in ancient times, how miraculous the sun must have been as it came up, shedding its light and warmth, after a cold dark night, holed up in caves as people sheltered from the cold, wild animals and all sorts of things that could take your life? This primal life giving element is literally infused into our DNA and deep into the psyche of everyone one. Without the sun, we would have no photosynthesis and therefore no Plant life!
Without the sun, we would have no photosynthesis and therefore no Plant life!
WATER and AIR are now being sold in bottles all around the world, mainly China and these companies involved are paying almost NOTHING in the process and making huge profit! Water is the new oil or gold, except you can’t drink oil or gold! Water and air, again, like the sun, is literally LIFE giving and has so many intrinsic, primal properties, no air or water, no plants, no life whatsoever could exist…and to break it down further, water and air consists of hydrogen, oxygen, CO2, and nitrogen and water exists in air, and ‘air’ in water.
The least component, CO2, is no less important to life, and yet it is under attack as the a dirty dangerous element! the oceans are being systemically degraded through pollution, nuclear waste, and God knows what else that is being poured into her.
The EARTH element - no earth, no home, yet it is also being denigrated in numerous ways almost unimaginable to me. The pollution via chemicals bombarding the soil and vegetation, sprays, nitrates passed off as fertilisers, top soil being lost in the process, trees being bulldozed around the Planet, bees dying off due to the chemicals, ground water contamination, and on and in I could go…
And to further the insult, us humans have to pay a heavy price to some phoney corporations just to be able to live on a piece of their own special land, our ancestors were driven off their lands and now they are trying to do it again, via ridiculous mortgage impositions (death gauge), land is being hoarded by the elites, while they try and herd us like cattle into tiny boxes, lifted up off the land, so we lose that special energetic connection to the Earth element and the Living Earth planet as a whole being.
The Earth is our truest foundation, it provides the Structural platform we need in order to be able to live and grow not only our life, but our food…we put our “roots” down on the land and from that connection, we can create stability, a house, a home and raise a family. Land is our birth right and we’ve been told that it is reserved only for a special few,. The land does not belong to us, WE belong to the land.
Land is our birth right and we’ve been told that it is reserved only for a special few,. The land does not belong to us, WE belong to the land.
Now why is this all happening? I see a very insidious slow creep, that is speeding up no end, where we are constantly being bombarded with narratives aimed at us, that these things going on are somehow OUR fault, as in the people. We are being sold the line that we have trashed the planet, and we have, but what people don’t realise is who owns the industries that’s doing the trashing?
Who owns the media companies that are broadcasting this “you are guilty, so you must pay” line? Who owns the banks, which effectively own most of the key industries, as they happily sold us their stuff and made trillions, and now it’s all our doing? Yes, we were consumers of this, yes they were happy to sell it because we didn’t know any different, and then all of a sudden now it’s all our FAULT, because we bought not just the goodies, we bought the conditioned line that to have a happy life, you need lots of this stuff! We took the bait line hook and sinker!
So now that we know this, it behooves us to stop and take responsibility and use the most powerful word in the universe…NO! No more, I say! What say you? No, I don’t buy your crap, No I am not GUILTY of any wrong doing, No, I’m not going to feel shame, and therefore weaken myself further, No I’m not going to live on my knees, bowing down to the most corrupt Government lackies , who are really just another pawn in this game of lying tag, desperate to keep their positions and bonuses in their miserable, robotic controlled lives.
Don’t let them trash OUR planet and turn the tables on us! We need to reclaim our birth rights, stand on the land, drink deep, breathe, feel the Light and warmth, be energised and ride the wave into conscious knowing!
So now that we know this, it behooves us to stop and take responsibility and use the most powerful word in the universe…NO!