Going back to Egyptian days, there is the original creation story, before Christianity, and all the legends and myths surrounding the birth of our religion. Re-lig-ion. To bind again.
There are the 4 key figures of Nut, Isis, Osiris and Set. Each of these correspond to the 4 elements that created the Earth. Anu is the ‘over arching’ Annunaki god who created these legends, that became our religions today. This was a way for the Sky gods to control the Earth and humanity, because they commandeered this planet for themselves.
Anyway the story goes that Set (Seth) killed Osiris, his twin brother and dismembered him into 15 sections, each section corresponding to a movable joint of the body, and he placed these ‘body parts’ down the length of the Nile River. The Nile relates to our spine, the ‘rod or staff of life’.
Isis was able to locate 14 of the 15 dismembered parts, and put Osiris back together, but could not find his missing phallus. So she fashioned one out of clay, and artificially inseminated herself to produce Horus. This is where the original immaculate conception story seen in every religion comes from.
Horus is where we get the terms hours, horizon and relates to the movement of the sun across the arch of the sky, time & the play of light n dark. A key ‘hero’ is now represented by an artificially created being and this brought about a significant layer of delusion in the mass minds of all the people.
Because it’s infused in our minds that Osiris, the ruler of the night, and a representative of the male energy, has been ‘dismembered’, thus rendering him impotent and disconnected from his true male energy Self and the land. Horus is an imposter figure, representing the straw man principle of an artificially created being with no potency.
This and other stories are deeply entrenched into the psyche of humanity and we can never break free until we RE-member, the DIS-membering of the key masculine energy that has been ‘removed’ from our beingness as a society.
We can never break free until we RE-member, the DIS-membering of the key masculine energy that has been ‘removed’ from our beingness as a society.
Do we see the effects of this today? Absolutely, via war, the rise of transhumanism, the imbalance in the world between masculine and feminine energy, the rampant pedophilia, sexual abuse, porn, the push for AI & and lots more!
The law of polarity cannot be balanced due to these deeply ingrained impressions that we are not whole. Polarisation will always grip society until we remember our selves and men reclaim our divine masculine energy, and we as a collective can FACE THE DARKNESS now gripping the collective world!
We need strong divine male energy, with the feminine heart, to right the ship of imbalance that is threatening to destroy the world. Know the natural laws, know history (his story) and you will begin to under stand (stand under) the true foundation of our lives and a balanced Earth.
We need strong divine male energy, with the feminine heart, to right the ship of imbalance that is threatening to destroy the world.