We hear some people use this term, ‘holistic’ in various circles, but what does it actually mean? Holistic health, holistic wealth, holistic life, as with many terms in language, they can be interpreted in many ways, as we all have different ‘mind filters’ or ways of perceiving information and words. Many ascribe holistic living as some kind of airy fairy, new age fantasy land, because they are triggered by the concept, holding onto long established historical beliefs related to Newtonian science and Darwinian education. Linear, reductionist science is on its way out, the only thing that keeps it hanging on, is collective past belief, it’s so heavily entrenched in many people, the teachings linger in our society.
Here is a meaning taken from a mainstream view point:- “Holistic is an adjective that describes things related to the idea that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. In other words, that the entirety of something must be considered instead of just considering its parts. This philosophy is called holism, and that’s where the word holistic comes from. Holistic can be used generally to describe approaches that incorporate elements of holism, but it is especially used in the contexts of psychology and alternative medicine”.
Holistic means ‘whole’ or ‘complete.’ It also says that ‘the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’. This is a very critical and important part of its meaning, as this concept can be ascribed to everything in the universe, the world at large, a city, community, a human being, a way of thinking, a way of life, a business system (as in an eco system) and even the tiny things, like atoms and our body cells are “whole” in some relative degree. This speaks directly of the Hermetic law of correspondence, “as above so below, as within so without”. Natural laws are foundations and based in real science. Natural laws are always holistic, in that they speak of the whole picture and include the “sum of its parts” as well.
Holistic is an adjective that describes things related to the idea that the whole is more than the sum of its parts.
It is for this reason that we need to understand the natural laws, or principles of life, as once we know the truth of our foundational existence, we can proceed in a logical fashion to understand why ‘bad’ things happen in the world and why there is so much illness, disease, societal breakdowns, violence, poverty and inequality spread right throughout the world. All in a large degree to the fact that our world system is not aligned & integrated with the natural holistic system that exists within us, and all around us in nature. We are by virtue of our very existence, a natural example of a holistic and creative being.
Hologram, wholesale, holy, wholly, wholeness are all words that relate to the concept of a holistic life. A hologram is something that looks real, however it is simply just a projection of a whole reality. That projection could be of a person, thing, nature or an entire world system. We are also projector beings, therefore what we “see out there”, could be termed a hologram, as our brain interprets the incoming light and energy, via the electrical sensations of our senses, and then projects the scene we think we are seeing, according to our BELIEFS and expectations. All thoughts are simply electrical sensations, or impulses, and each person will have a different view of how to interpret those impulses. This is why we cannot rely on our senses! They are useful doorways only at a gross level.
If we are considered a ‘holy’ person, we are considered somewhat divine, spiritual or many other labels, however it just means you are realising the ‘wholeness of the world’. Most people can only think in a linear, one thought at a time, focused on one ‘part’ of life at a time, this is what creates a rather limited life, as it is narrow and unconnected to a bigger picture. It is like seeing the map as the territory. Many people are locked into this way of thinking due to conditioning and lack of education on HOW to think, how to align those thoughts with feelings, our spirit/soul, earthly body vehicle and our material world. Everything is connected in a holistic world. When you follow one thread, it leads to another and another and next moment, you have a jumper!
As I mentioned, we can create many versions, or applications of ‘holism/holistic’. Our current financial, legal, political, educational system is ‘fake’, or a hologram, therefore it is all connected, however it is NOT aligned with natural principles, and the issues we see in the world are self evidently dysfunctional. No hologram can ever be real. If it was set up in the natural way and combined together correctly, as in nature, then each part of the system would make a greater whole, the results of which would be far more inclusion and equanimity within our communities and the world. It just takes a different way of thinking, seeing and acting, so that our thought processes are in fact holistic in nature, and feelings and resulting actions/effects are included as part of that ‘whole-thought-chain process’.
Nature always shows us first principles, or causes and be-cause of that enquiry, we can live as first cause…which means to be living on life on a solid rock foundation. A system, life or anything based on illusion, falsity or man’s skewed laws, will immediately create imbalances, and the negative ripple effects will be felt throughout the world and our lives. This is why we MUST understand the world system and its function, in order that you can see how the effects of that show up in our life. To ignore our Earth based material system, is perilous to our material, physical, mental, emotional AND spiritual lives, because everything flows from that base template. Then, the whole is NOT greater than the sum of its parts, for the greater population is fragmented, and therefore benefits only a few people who have created, and are running that system.
To ignore our Earth based material system, is perilous to our material, physical, mental, emotional AND spiritual lives, because everything flows from that base template.
The best system is to create an “eco-system”, it’s called ecological for a reason! It is a system based on a bio (living) system, interacting with other living systems and can be easily integrated into our ‘material system’ of finance, legal, political etc. Our current banking system, for example uses the river metaphor to its advantage, by directing the ‘current’ (currency - energy in motion) to its own “banks on their river” and other collection points, which largely bypasses the people. This is why money is referred to as ‘liquid’, ‘liquidity’, ‘cash flow’ and ‘equity’ (equal value with nature’s assets, such as land).
The Earth element and its greater whole, the planet Earth, refers to our base foundation as already alluded to. This is home base. The Earth is a perfect example of a holistic, living being, containing the water, air and fire elements, and countless smaller elements of animals, trees, plants, rocks, soil, minerals, microbes, atoms and the invisible template blueprint energies that actually created everything. Earth assets are true holistic elements, without which there would be no life! The air element is also akin to flow, like water, but is related to creative thought flow, rather than emotional flow. Air is the breath of life and relates to our will power, which is being destroyed through extreme stress of a fragmented system. The fire element is not just our volcanoes, actual fires or lightening that strikes the Earth, it is also corresponds to our passion, our soul and our hearts of desire for a world of warmth. The ether element is our source energy, the unified field and is what keeps everything held in place, including our planets and celestial bodies in space.
You see everything is connected, if you affect one aspect of the world in a positive or detrimental way, you create positive or detrimental effects in other areas, the ‘law of holism’ never fails, it never lies, it can be counted on as a blueprint to which we can consciously create our life upon. From what I can see, one of the main ways we cannot see the bigger picture, and easily create a holistic world, is because we are all so polarised, which basically means we are either seeing, thinking or feeling in only one part, or coming from one “pole” and we are unable to reconcile all the parts, due to misinformation, disinformation and a thought system based on a false holographic imprint of man’s law.
one of the main ways we cannot see the bigger picture, and easily create a holistic world, is because we are all so polarised, which basically means we are either seeing, thinking or feeling in only one part, or coming from one “pole”
Our system is basically run on layer upon layer of artificiality and codes which are not congruent to the natural codes of life. The system is, to put it bluntly, a death cult system designed to benefit the few at the top, where all the liquidity and all our energy flow goes. Just as our arms and hands are connected to our body, now we have a situation where our phones, tablets, computers, digital watches, credit cards, even our cars are now connected to us, and therefore we are ‘plugged into the World AI grid’ everywhere we go. Everything is digital code in the system, we cannot do anything in a transactional sense, or communicate without relying on these codes. The codes run deep and wide, they are intricately linked to our finances, legal, political, education and every other key area or life.
Nature also runs on code, (NI – Natural intelligence) but as you would suspect, these codes are life giving and life enhancing, whereas many of the Key artificial master codes, are debt, enslavement, energy draining and therefore death prompting codes. This is why we don’t “see” the causal problems, we only see the symptoms, and it is designed to create more problems on top of the symptoms, creating a downward spiral to eventual totalitarianism, if we let it.
Think about it, the health system is preoccupied with symptoms, so they can bring out more drugs, or vaccines, to create more side effects! Look at the current “Corona virus!” All drugs, pesticides are synthetic copies of nature to some degree, yet we cannot utilise the natural originals for main stream availability, because big Pharma is in for profit out of our sickness, they are NOT in it for our health.
Think about it, the health system is preoccupied with symptoms, so they can bring out more drugs, or vaccines, to create more side effects!
This is obviously not holistic and another example why we must go back to nature’s signature templates in ALL areas of life to create a life based in WHOLENESS. And wholeness on a community level does include natural and quantum sciences, education of that and true history, holistic natural health with proper allopathic medicine, Government based on a peoples mandate, law based on common (sense) law of do no harm, energy production based on harnessing the electrical universe without wires or meters, technology aimed at benefiting society, business based on free market enterprise and creativity, finance based on decentralisation and all backed by natural principles and all areas integrated into a greater whole that benefits the whole.
What it’s going to take, I believe, is the necessary but somewhat painful exercise of completely dissolving the current world matrix system, because it is like a virus, it is infecting everybody, it is rotten to the core, and just like the apple, once the core is rotten it doesn’t take long for the whole apple to go bad. To make this happen, will entail a new way of collective thinking, and a great deal of courage in order to take the quantum leap into a world of wholeness. This is also happening ‘naturally’ as we speak, we ARE awakening, mainly because of the dysfunctional system and people who maintain it. Another words, the more it breaks down, the more we can see it is broken, it’s no longer hidden and we have anything to lose. Everything is in plain sight now, as we get the eyes to see when the pressure is on, like an animal who is super alert as he takes flight from its predator.