November 14, 2022


By: Tony Knight

Decentralisation, Spirituality, Money, Community

Timeless Teachings with Yana Fry: A heart-to-heart with Tony Knight

How can we integrate business and spirituality? Why decentralised financing and crypto are an important part of the newly created world? Why The Earth is going through a major energetic shift right now and what it means for all of us? Why simplicity, self-sustainability, technology, and community is the future of our society?

Listen to podcast here


My name is Tony Knight (also known as KryptoneKnight) and I am here on Earth to awaken freedom in humanity, through expressing and applying the natural laws of reality to our lives. For the past 25 years I have created my businesses as vehicles in which I can live and work doing what I love, and assisting people to discover themselves in the process. Currently have my own Wholefood & organic sales consultancy called EarthStar, and I also speak, write and teach people how to integrate the natural laws of the universe into our everyday physical lives. I am now reinventing myself as a mentor and teacher on how to be our own banker and get financially free using new technologies known as blockchain, decentralised finance (DeFi) and crypto currency. One of my life tasks has been to decode the world system matrix, and by using the blockchain, we can now create a new economic system based on serving the people and creating universal freedom inside and out. Decentralisation is Kryptonite to the centralised matrix!


Yana has been born into a mystical family and started her conscious journey at the age of 8. In her 20s and 30s, she travelled all over the world looking for answers to the most fundamental human questions: Who Am I? Why Am I Here? How Can I Stop Suffering? She studied with Lamas in Bhutan, Gurus in India, Shamans in Peru, and also modern coaches, psychotherapists, scientists, mentors literally on every continent. Eventually she arrived into inner place of stillness, where there were no more questions… and that’s when she started teaching and guiding others. Today Yana is well-known for her unique ability to walk in both wellness and spiritual worlds as well as the philanthropical and entrepreneurial worlds. She is the founder of Timeless Teachings Podcast and Awaken Human. Based in Singapore, she teaches and tours worldwide. People refer to her as a global speaker, spiritual teacher, wellness retreats facilitator, life coach, co-author of 3 books, award-winning poetess, and truth illuminator, who inspires, empowers, and educates globally. Yana’s mission is to help humans awaken their full potential through the inner (mind, body, soul) and outer (money, relationships, purpose) alignments for the benefit of all beings. Her clients and students come from 30+ countries and highly diverse backgrounds.

Please see links below if you would like to follow Yana -

Timeless Teachings Podcast:

Yana Fry:

Content Support:

Tony Knight

Hi, I am a soul wanderer and pilot of the EarthStarShip, and my purpose on Earth is to discover and spread the universal truths and natural laws for the conscious freedom of all humanity.

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