The Great awakening is simply a sufficient number of people “waking up to the truth of the world, who they are as an energy being, and the role we all play in the world.”
A new “timeline” has been created, and as we raise our frequency from low-grade thoughts and emotions based on ego self, to higher-grade thoughts and emotions, we literally enter a new world, based on service to others and something greater than ego.
Timelines are based upon dimensions, D. We have a 3D body, with a 4D mind and a 5D heart/soul. Currently the chaos we see is a breaking down of the old 3D model, readying for an Earth renewal. 3D is not just our physical makeup, it also resonates to our ego and thoughts and emotions based on survival, fight, flight or freeze. Our current world system, financial, political, legal education etc, is all based on a 3D model that has served us in many ways, but now it is breaking down, because it no longer serves us for our world evolution.
Many (more) people are operating at 4D now, which means they are more aware of energies, understand a greater level of truth, it relates to the astral realm, the higher mind, time as a frequency and non invasive, energy healing and much more.
When enough people dial into the 5D consciousness level, through soul imagining, visioning, cooperation for the greater whole, with love, peace and Light codes anchored into their being, then the world for these souls will become a collective experience or gathering. A new world is born, however these people will still be in a body, it’s just that they have become more light and free from physical concerns. Manifestation is virtually instant.
The 3Ders will still occupy this same world, however they will cluster together with the same dramas going on as now, however they will not be able to see or interact with 5D, except through occasional glimpses, until they choose to change up their thinking. When the student’s ready, the ‘mastery’ appears.
This world is not going to the same ‘destination’ for everyone. When people see the totalitarian New World order as a done deal, with all the mayhem that will ensue, then that’s what they will get according to their beliefs. Yes this is the plan, but it ONLY manifests if we accept it!
If people who are choosing to see a new world paradise of caring, sharing greater cooperation, honouring of life (and death), without fear or guilt, shame, anger, then that’s the world they will get.
This is SCIENCE, (which means objective truth) the science we were not taught at school, based on Quantum Physics, electromagnetics, Light and the natural laws. Once you know and understand these laws and principles, you will understand a lot more how the various dimensions and densities of consciousness work.
3D low energy people will never see how this is possible, because you cannot see what you cannot imagine or know. The rules of 5D are completely different, however these more evolved souls will be able to assist those looking to raise their 3D/4D frequency’s.
Many people are raising their frequency levels now, simply because of the current world situation, where all of a sudden we see the evidence that somethings going on. This is no accident, (another 3D implant). When the pressure is on, those that are ready, will respond, those that aren’t, will react. Response is conscious, reaction is knee jerk and unconscious, based on conditioning.
Get ready for the ride of our entire lives…This truly is the Greatest show in the multiverses! The Galactic Federation are overseeing this, so we have massive help!
When all looks dark and there is seemingly no way out, suddenly a trap door opens & you fall into the light!
With the current Corona Virus situation happening in the world, it has brought our health, and specifically our immune system sharply into focus. I have always advocated that if we have a properly functioning immune system, then there is absolutely no reason why we should get ill. Our immune system is our best defence against any pathogen, virus or foreign body invader, however sadly most of us do not have optimum functioning immune systems due to toxic load, lack of minerals and vitamins and poor nutrition.
In most places in our world today, we are faced with a situation where our air, land and water is to some, or greater degree, heavily polluted with toxins. The air is filled with chemicals from exhaust, industrial pollutants and now due to geo engineering and chemical trails’. They are even pumping tons of highly toxic metals and oxides into our atmosphere via low orbit rockets in order to block some of the suns rays. When they do this, the chemicals slowly filter down and reach just about every corner of the Earth as the wind carries it along.
Then we have our oceans which are becoming a garbage dump filled with plastic, sewerage and radioactive waste, and our rivers are laden with phosphates and nitrates from chemical fertilisers. On land we have stockpiles of waste from rampant consumerism, war, numerous chemical sprays, GMOS and in New Zealand we have tons of 10-80, a highly toxic poison, being dropped from planes.
This means the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breath is literally saturating our bodies and creating ‘toxic overload’, thus greatly hampering our immune systems, even without virulent diseases to contend with.
My solution to this situation is to make nutrition and regular detoxification an ongoing part of your daily lifestyle and there are plenty of things we can do to maintain great health and energy levels without necessarily costing a fortune. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and the best prevention is always naturally based. We come from nature, we are a natural being and therefore, like heals like.
One of the best things we can ever do is get at least 20-40 minutes of sunshine, and even better is to gaze at the setting sun when it is low on the horizon. Never look directly at the sun when it is high in the sky. When you think of the power of photosynthesis, imagine what it could be doing for you! And it also provides the best Vitamin D, absolutely free!
Fresh, wholesome, wholefoods is also a basic must. Plenty of veggies, greens, fruit in season, proper rock salt & seeds. Lessen breads and gluten, make sure you have good fats (coconut oil, butter), eat organic if possible, and make sure you wash your veggies throughly. Drinking plenty of water is so underrated and vital. If you can, drink pure water or get a decent filter.
Deep breathing is also a great way to detox and improve your energy almost instantly. The act of breathing naturally helps energy levels and as a detox, because it compresses the organs, not to mention the toxins in the lungs.
I also think it is important to take some supplements simply because we don’t get enough from our food, or when we are under stress, our body burns through the nutrients it needs much faster. So my suggestion is to at least have plenty of quality Vitamin C, magnesium and a good pro biotic to assist the gut. Much of our overall health depends on the health of our stomach.
To keep our body, mind and immune system healthy we must ensure we are taking plenty of alkaline foods and drinks. Meat and processed food/drinks is highly acidic and this is what causes cellular damage and aging, along with oxidisation damage which destroys the ‘energy voltage’ in our cellular structure. Oxidisation is caused by regular metabolic process, as well as stress, toxin exposure and poor nutrition and even wi-fi, therefore we must take counteracting measures include a daily basis.
Here is my suggestion to stay alkaline and well protected from oxidative damage. Make up a drink as follows based on 2 litres:-
1 3/4 litres of pure water, add 200ml aloe Vera, 50mls of black currant juice (or similar), 6 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 1 squeezed lemon, 1/2 teaspoon maple syrup, 1 teaspoon honey, 2 teaspoons of bi-carbonate of soda, 1/4 teaspoon of borax or boron. Mix altogether (it will fizz up) and place in a sealed container in the fridge. Tastes delicious!
This recipe will assist you greatly at any time, regardless of the corona outbreak. It will alkaline, anti-oxidise, detox your liver, lymph nodes and whole system and provide all round health benefits. Drink at least 2/3 cups a day and over time you will feel many benefits. It is also particularly good for such symptoms as chronic fatigue, arthritis and is known to greatly assist cancer, simply because cancer ( and most diseases) need an acidic, highly oxidised system to grow and flourish.
This list of natural laws (See below) includes the Hermetic laws and a few others which are relevant to our life.
No one is above natural law. Everything is subject to law.
You can fight them all you like, however your little will is nothing against Natural universal law.
This is what creates a true order in the world, as millions of people experience a global manifestation of all that is out of balance, we can then use that reflection and any reaction, to come back into balance, by intending to commit to applying the laws.
The laws are governed by codes, our DNA is a series of cosmic light codes, the matrix runs on codes, once we know the codes, we have the keys to exit the matrix.
This post will only appeal to a certain awakened few, the rest will be blind to these words, which are not mine!…the truth in natural law is not made up! It’s discoverable to anyone, I’m just portraying them for others to apply.
All truth is self evident once you know, you can then see.
Certain knowledge is power, because it fills a void which would otherwise be occupied by fear and doubt! You cannot have a positive and negative occupying the same space in the world, and likewise they cannot occupy the same space in your mind. Fear & negativity is fuelled by lack of positive knowledge, especially when it becomes true understanding.
Knowledge, and it’s counterpart truth, operate at 3 main levels, physical/material, mental & spiritual or energetic, as described here.:-
For people whose awareness is mainly focused on the physical world, they judge life based on what they See. For them seeing is believing. To try and convince them of spiritual and ‘energy’ truths is usually a waste of time, because they don’t have that frame of reference or conscious awareness to understand. They look to seek ‘proof’, evidence and facts. This is home base ‘reality’.
For people operating at the mental level, where they like to use logic and deduction, for them ‘believing is seeing’. They realise that all seeing comes from their thoughts, however they are primarily stuck in their belief patterns and are seeking the root causes of their beliefs. These people often get emotional and reactive to information that counters their beliefs. It can become a never ending loop, often referred to as the Hegelian dialectic.
The next highest level of knowledge is the ‘spiritual‘ or energetic based reality, and these people operate in KNOWING, as they can see the physical, mental/emotional and spiritual truths and can integrate these levels in a holistic way of wholeness living. For them knowledge is based on the source reality and causes, and knowledge becomes understanding & wisdom. They understand how to balance the left & right brain, and their mind with their spirit, heart and body.
To give high spiritual knowledge is not going to make sense to a physically based being. And people who pass off as spiritual, without having done the required integration work of the physical and mental is also not going to progress in life until they experience all levels and understand. Many new age people fall in this category & quote the law of attraction, without actually attracting anything meaningful.
No level is better than another, it’s just where people are at in their life development, this is not a judging session. There is always someone above us trying to assist us and there is always people below us, needing assistance. Think of how you met people, learned certain lessons and next minute, they are gone from your life.
So the EarthStar knowledge Tree starts with having sound roots and a base in the world, with healthy careers, finances, physical health and a world that is also well balanced in these areas. If the world is out of balance, then this will show up each persons weak spots even more keenly! And as we grow, in knowledge of the world, we fill in the spaces with positive intent that would otherwise be taken by something much less positive!
Freedom is a by product of knowledge, understanding, wisdom, which altogether makes up our consciousness....or our level of comprehension of life, relative to true reality. Once we reach understanding of source reality and it’s many branches of life, we are then truly free, as we know it’s all about the we.
Note: This article has been shortlisted in a global writing competition called “The Golden Door Awards“ based in Singapore, March 2020
“There are things known and there are things unknown - and in between are the doors”. William Blake.
I had always been interested in exploring nature as a child and teenager, and I had countless experiences in the wilderness, on and beside the ocean and generally interacting outdoors in New Zealand. When I look back now, most of the times I was near nature, I always remember feeling so good, happy, grounded and a sense of real freedom.
Later as an adult, I did a lot of travelling, this reignited my passion for nature, but it was when I trekked in the Himalayan mountains that I really began to tangibly feel the raw & subtle power of nature. Not just from the visibly huge mountains, rivers, forests etc, but on a metaphysical, energetic level I had spontaneous physical healings and palpable mind altering experiences that forever live as guideposts for my life. Also I met many souls on my travels who I would describe as ‘awake’, and they left an indelible mark on me, just because they were clearly being true to their inner nature and truth!
The term Natural intelligence (NI) did not come to me until a few years later, when I moved onto a lifestyle block with my partner. I had recently just lost my business and I was going through a ‘life crisis’, and I started to dig a garden, grow organic vegetables and tend to the fruit trees. Many days I would spend almost all day outside, digging the soil and tending to the plants, then I began to get intuitive answers and guidance on my current career & health problems, that were usually right, or guided me to the right area of research.
As I started to observe my surroundings in more depth, I began to see how nature contains many analogies and metaphors for life. We seed ideas, nature is nurture, we harvest the fruits, we grow lives and we consciously climb the tree of life. Language & thought comes alive! The other thing I realised is that when in nature, I became more aware and conscious of my inner Self, and as I in turn focused on that awareness, various forms of nature seemed to “respond” with energy. Birds seemed to sing just to me, trees seemed to radiate a soothing energy, the sun came out & illuminated my mind, the air noticeably stirred my skin and the aches in my body began disappearing!
Now as I look at the wider world, I see it is heading for a major collision of opposing forces, we are in a battle of light and dark, we are in a largely silent, concerted battle between nature; and man’s creation, AI and our ‘artificial modern life’. Going back through the ages, there have been many wars & revolutions, fought between a small powerful hierarchy and the common people, over land, energy, minerals, money, God, and now today there is a new war raging for the human mind and a concerted attack on our thinking and consciousness itself.
Humans have made many breakthroughs in industry and technology and it has given many a very good, comfortable life with many modern conveniences, particularly in the western countries. Now that same technology, that has given us so much, is arguably threatening our freedoms and the very existence and life we have come to take for granted. There is a big push by various global super corporations in conjunction with Governments and other NGOs to basically connect all humans, vehicles, everyday appliances and cities, to a 5G ‘smart grid’. Also there is a drive to advance artificial intelligence & machine learning to such an extent, that ultimately all humans, via their brain, are planned to be connected to an artificial hub, telling us how and what to think. Space X, a company headed up by Elon Musk, is launching thousands of satellites into low orbit space, so the entire planet can be connected online. Our computer devices have moved from ‘desk tops’, to ‘hand held smart phones’, ‘wearables’, now micro chipping and compete integration with devices and humans.
Artificial means “created by the hand of man”, as opposed to nature which means “innate, ones inborn nature, of birth”. All living things and beings have innately come forth, from inside, and out of nature. Nature is what created us and sustains our life in a myriad of seen and unseen ways. Nature is a noun, a verb and adjective..another words it is a name, an action or state of being, and it also describes various specific attributes. From nature comes all things, the 5 prime elements of Life, Earth, water, air, fire and ether, of which we are literally made and these sustain our lives. Nature is inherent in everything, and each element are energetic doorways that provide various states which we can consciously download and therefore get ‘online with the natural energy grid’.
From a more practical standpoint, the elements of the universe allow us to lead a healthy, energetic and joyful life when they are all in balance, both in a physical sense and as states of mind or being. Each element has a corresponding attribute to our body (earth), emotions/feelings (water), thoughts/mind (air), passion/spirit (fire) and energetic blueprint/life force (ether). These elements are enshrined in ancient lore and texts as sacred and as manifestations of the divine building blocks of life. From this context, the planet Earth is seen as a living being (Gaia theory) with each of the elements a living essence in their own right, but collectively they make up a living conscious planet, housing billions of unconscious, conscious and super conscious living humans. “The whole is always greater than the sum of the parts”, although each elemental part, is indeed a ‘whole’ in its own right.
So what better way to live in balance with truth, love, joy, peace, freedom etc, by following the laws of nature, and to this end the prophet Hermes Trismegistus (also known as Thoth, in ancient Egypt) laid out the Hermetic laws (lores). These lores are unique in that they are not man made, and therefore not subject to change or misappropriation, they are the unchangeable laws of nature, essentially they are commandments of universal truths, as follows:-
I also contend that there is another overriding law that is not mentioned here, that could be seen as the most important of all, and that is the principle of compassion, love and empathy. This principle has its roots in every one of the above 7 ancient laws, however I believe it deserves its place as a law unto its own right.
When dealing with the worlds ills, it seems to me that often compassion and empathy is missing from the hierarchy of the man made power structure, and for this reason, matters of the heart are essential as a balancing element to the dominance of capitalism and our seemingly patriarchal society. The heart is placed at the centre of our being, as depicted by the centre of the cross, as this is where our true empowerment as a conscious being resides. The heart has its own unique natural intelligence, as a door way to our soul and spirit.
These natural lores’, along with interacting with and observing our natural physical world, applying the 5 prime elements and other primal models like the native American medicine wheel, are giving us a foundation knowledge from which we can study and build a conscious life, based on truth, to know thy self. The Ancient Greek aphorism "know thyself", is one of the Delphic maxims.
Natural intelligence and our elemental EarthStar models, are fundamental, transformational systems of education that used to be taught in the ancient mystery schools, but the teachings have been lost in the mists of time, and I see a day where the ancient universal knowledge will once again be brought back to be common knowledge and commonsense.
AI and all man’s inventions have a definite place in our world, however we must let nature and the natural laws take precedence in our thinking and actions, otherwise we may not have a planet worth living on, or even a planet at all!
To live a life of purpose & meaning, is to develop our natural, universal, creative intelligence, by cultivating an organic mindset, preparing the soil of our being, seeding life’s intentions, nurturing the product of our purpose, harvesting the fruits of our labour’s and ultimately living a life based on knowledge of the Truth! So choose to download NI as your primary software, and utilise and share your output with everyone, then AI and all man’s creations will be consciously created to benefit everyone and the planet as a whole, rather than letting history repeat itself and ending up in an artificially created, totalitarian world.
We are creating our world, individually and collectively, with what we choose to think and not think…let’s all choose to create a Glorious New Earth, by connecting with and loving our nature, the natural world and the nature of the One God.
I call myself the EcoPrenewer, because it describes who I am in relation to my business purpose and passion in Life. The ECO speaks of our human need for connection to the elements, the Earth and to nature, which is our nature. This provides us with our best energy source for raised awareness and consciousness to do good in the world and to make a positive difference.
Prenewer is derived from the word Entrepreneur and the essential meaning here is around creativity. To “renew” is to create something better, so Prenewer means to create something brand new, to create in advance. Also the convention meaning of an entrepreneur is someone who identifies an opportunity, undertakes a certain risk, then creates and manages an enterprise around the opportunity and builds on that platform.
We can all be EcoPrenewer’s, not just business people, and is essentially someone who has adefinite purpose to create a consciously aware life, aligned with nature and natural principles, in order to make a positive difference to humanity.
In my case I am currently acting as a sales distributor, specialising in Wholefoods, organics and natural health products and introducing them to the retailers (Earthstar Holistic Business). I love working with people who have a brand new, revolutionary product not yet known to the public, and creating a market by developing a business sales model to suit. Wholefoods & truly natural products are life promoting, because we are nature, and like attracts like. All processed foods and pharmaceutical medicines are created from nature, and they are processed for greater shelf life, to increase production or to create patents in the case of pharmaceuticals. Herbs are nature’s pharmacy materials. Wholefoods are our best medicine because they have all the vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy body.
To go the wholeness path, with Wholefoods and organics, is also to vote for smaller locally produced foods that are grown in season and supplied in smaller batches. Big Pharma and food companies are primarily more concerned with themselves, money and profit, not your health. An EcoPrenewer is more concerned with your health, the community and natural energy and recognizes that profit and abundance will flow naturally from that stance.
We are causing the effect of energy, knowledge, wellness and abundance in all forms.
Our body is made of the “Earth” in all its various forms, animal, mineral, vegetable and the prime elements of water (H2O) and air (O2). It is made of around 100 trillion cells, each cell is a tiny self contained autonomous part of your greater whole body. Each cell is a living entity in its own right and the body is a repository of our emotions, as discovered by neuro science and quantum physics.
Our brain (or mind) is the sum total of all of humanities evolution, via our nervous system and neurons. This is the interface between our body and the quantum field of energy that is all around us and permeates us. Our body is sometimes called the bodymind, because our subconscious mind is literally housed in our body, performing all kinds of functions such as breathing, pumping heart, self healing cuts and wounds and working with our immune system to heal diseases and many other functions that happen on “auto pilot”.
Our conscious mind lives in the frontal part of the brain and this is where we can direct our life. All thoughts create an emotional response, and also if repeated enough, emotions can in turn create thoughts, which means we get hard wired into certain states, mindsets, beliefs, and habits. This is the subtle aspects of our nature and is relevant to making a conscious EarthStar being! To be “in your element”, or when things become “second nature”, speaks of a consciously directed life and the resulting effect of resonance and flow.
The sun is our own solar system Star, of which no life would be present without it. With it comes the obvious light and heat, however the sun performs many functions integral to life, such as photosynthesis in plants. The sun (fire element) assists us in our daily life rhythm and is what creates plants and trees to grow, along with the Earth, air and water…these elements are essential to all life and the Earth itself…each microorganism and part of the Earth, is like the cells that make up a whole human being. All life is a composition of countless living micro organisms to make up the whole.
Therefore, EarthStar can be recognised as a state of being, or as a word for all the elements & universe together, or it can literally be used to describe who we are as human beings…the whole is always greater than the sum of the parts. EarthStar is a reference to our Earths Ecosystem, or to the ecosystem that exists beyond the stars, because the same energy that supports life here, is the same underlying energy that exists in the furtherest reaches of space…thank about that for a minute!
If you have ever laid on the Earth or in a pool, and looked up at the starry night sky, you start to get a sense of the wonder of this universe and you can realise the infinity and magnificence of it all! There is still so much we don’t know about ourselves and the world!
EarthStar was created as a conscious entrepreneurial vehicle in order that we can enhance the world, and know what it means to live in Holistic wholeness and be one with everything.
Earthstars’ mission is to promote sell and educate people on the benefits of Wholefoods and making it part of your everyday life, but this is a just one important part of a greater lifestyle of wholeness. To truly life with wholeness is to live a holistic life, but what does that mean? Holistic means that everything is connected, life is not created in a vacuum, and the ‘whole’ is made up of many parts. The planet Earth is a whole, however there are countless parts that make up the Earth, and we believe each part is a living entity, which means the Earth as a whole is also one living organism in an even greater whole, consisting of human beings and the whole universe.
Eating whole foods is akin to eating ‘live or living’ food, another words the food has not been processed or any way, or at least in a minimal way that does not destroy the vital nutrients, minerals and vitamins in the food that we need. Organics goes one step further and is food which has not been sprayed by chemical (synthetic) sprays. The word Organic is associated with the words ‘organ’, ‘organisation’ and ‘organism’ all related to biology and the arrangement of a certain natural order.
Bio dynamics is another level again which means food grown in season is eaten in that season, the food is eaten from local production, (therefore saving on transportation and the associated process of preservation) and the food is fed with locally produced compost and natural sprays (like seaweed & neem) thus the plants receive all the nutrients they need from nature itself. No fertilisers are required, except for a small amount here and there. Fertiliser is like a steroid or synthetic drug for the human body, the more you use, the more you need, and it destroys all the living organisms in the soil, therefore the soil itself become ‘dead’ & top soil is lost.
Permaculture is another term that speaks of living in harmony with nature and as the word implies, speaks of developing a certain ‘culture’ or way of life, so it goes beyond just organic healthy eating, but involves a certain mindset, system of planting & harvesting and other related aspects of our wider life that create sustainability on all levels, which is ‘permanent’ in nature.