Right now all across the world, there is a great deal of fear and uncertainty exploding around the world. For those that are looking, there is a lot of information coming out about the plans for mandatory vaccines, 5 Gee networks being installed at a rapid pace, a lot of confusion around the Corona Virus and what it is, how it started, how it spreads, what to do it about it and the roles the WHO (World Health Organisation) and Bill Gates are playing in this scenario. Many countries and states around USA are still in complete lockdown, and others like NZ are slowly opening up.
Unfortunately, the economies in most countries are looking decidedly shaky with much more to come. Then there’s issues with our health, that are reported to be ongoing due to the ‘next wave’ of infections, on top of misunderstandings and confusion around wearing a mask, social distancing and other measures to protect oneself that are often not naturally sensible.
It is in situations like this, where knowledge and the truth can bring some empowerment and help to ease the immediate concerns around this unfolding world drama. Knowledge and truth can ultimately set you free, when that knowledge is applied and implemented into your life, such that it directs you to change your thinking, feelings and habits into new patterns of behaviour, attitude and positive actions.
Fear is usually coming from the unknown, peoples fear rises as uncertainty and lack of clarity on something arises. The antidote to fear is truth, and knowledge brings the ultimate immunity, because instead of just the unknown, with knowledge you have something to work with that is positive.
Knowing the problem and understanding why this is going on helps, because then you get to see your part or role in the bigger picture, the world today is a continuation of a much larger history. There is always the ground zero aspect and the sky view. When you only see what’s right in front of you, normally blasted out via mainstream media, TV, radio and social media, then without understanding you will react to the barrage of mostly negative news.
Our brains are an ‘entrainment’ apparatus, designed to take in the news as literal, when in fact most of it is just fearful noise, propaganda and false narratives painting a negative picture. The movies today are also portraying fearful messages and scenarios, and in fact many past movies contain scenes related to what’s happening now! Our mainstream news makes money in fear and propaganda not positive uplifting news. Media likes to portray possibilities as a done deal FACT. This is literally just mind programming.
When it comes to knowledge and truth, there are a number of different aspects and levels to consider. Knowledge needs to be focused on a few elements in order to be truly empowering. This consists of knowledge of you, WHO you are, knowledge of the world events, WHAT is going on, knowledge of how we got to this point in time, WHY this is happening & some history, and knowledge of HOW and WHAT we can do about this.
Also for the true seeker, they also are on a journey of discovering the fundamental truths, what I call the natural sciences, in order to understand WHERE and WHEN we are in the universe, how everything is energy, created from energy, how it all relates to our nature and who we are. When you get to see how it all fits together, then your levels of empowerment grow exponentially, because you are tapping into the normally unused aspects of your brain and higher Self.
In our EarthStar teachings, we have been able to go back in time and research the natural laws or principles, discover what they are, why they are so powerful when understood, and we are understanding how to apply them to our life through practise. These are called laws, because they are immutable, unchangeable and speak of the foundation of our existence.
They are in fact true science, which simply explains the truth of how humanity and the universe were created and how to operate in this world. The seven established sciences are based on nature; chemistry, biology, physics, geology, astronomy and ecology. Everything that has been created, or is in process of being created, is doing so according to a certain set of natural laws and codes.
And further more, spirituality at its deepest level of understanding is now showing that these two are actually saying the same thing, just in different language, terminology and context. Spirituality says, Everything is energy and everything is connected. Science is now saying the same thing, arrived at via a different route. The breakthrough in science came within the physics arena, when the Quantum field theory was posited.
One of the Seven ancient natural principles, or Hermetic laws, named after Hermes the Greek Scribe and alchemist, is the LAW OF POLARITY, which says…
Everything has its polar opposites. We live in a world of Dualism. There is hot and cold, light and dark, good and evil, etc. We cannot have one without the other. However, what appears as dualism is but unity in disguise. If we look at a thermometer, when does hot start and cold begin? They are both of the same quality but in different degree. The key to understanding the laws, is in our mind, though critical thinking and open observation.
So we can apply this teaching to our current world, and by doing so, we can see that we are in a “polarised world”. Another words the law of polarity is not in balance, this is a self evident truth. Clearly the world is not in balance, otherwise we wouldn’t be having so many problems, however by knowing the laws of our world reality, of which polarity is one, we can see why it is imbalanced and how we can use this law to start the process of rebalancing, starting with ourselves!
What’s amazing to me, is even though there is so much confusion and unrest, so many people still see this as somehow “normal”, which explains nothing….what is normal? Now there is a meme doing the rounds saying “we are in a new normal!” These are phrases which lull us into a false sense of security, which is in fact entrapment called the Hegelian Dialectic. While we are accepting our new ‘normal’, there is a great deal of things going on at a deeper level, which few people are looking at or questioning.
The other side of this coin of course is that these issues are driving many people to now start looking and questioning, this is the law of polarity at work. If a pendulum swings one way, say to the left, then it must at some stage swing back to the other side. Polarity in the context of this article, is showing up particularly strongly in our political scene, and this brings me back to where I started.
The worlds problems are keenly showing up in our politics and Governments around the world. In almost every county, we have political parties dubbed “left” and “right” and various degrees in extremes and inbetween, this is how polarity manifests, when people label themselves, or others, as left wing or right wing. In fact no major political party is independent, that are all controlled by globalist interests, each country is in fact a bankrupt corporation connected to the Royal Crown! That’s a topic for another day!
As people identify themselves with a particular political “pole”, then they often have to defend, or promote their stance, to counter the “opposition” of the other side. We do this right throughout all areas of our lives, we have polarising labels for the divides in our world. As the law states, all truths are but half truths, meaning that we do indeed have a left and right, or up and down etc, we do live in a polar world, however the polarisation can be overcome by some critical thinking, right actions, feelings and understanding.
Ultimately, polarisation is an illusion, because at our core level, we are ONE when we look at science and spirituality this is the ultimate reality of existence. Said another way, when you understand we are all energy, connected to the same quantum field that permeates all the universes, when you break down our physical matter to such a degree, you will see that we are not matter at all, just pure energy.
“Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates”
The Kybalion
The Principle of Vibration is one of the accepted laws of the ancient civilisations, and now modern science is catching on, and this principle states that all of life are vibrations at different frequencies.
You vibrate. Trees vibrate. Sounds and thoughts vibrate. Some vibrate slower and others vibrate at a high frequency. Higher frequency vibrations are in the realm of the unseen while lower frequency vibrations resides in the physical world where our sights can translate the “visible light.”
Do you see how water evaporates? When water is heated, the molecules becomes excited and vibrate so fast that the molecules break free of their bonds and turn into vapour and rise up to the sky. Even though the water turns into vapour, it doesn’t mean that the atoms of water are lost. It is in a different state of vibration. Everything is in motion. We either vibrate at a state of harmony or a state of chaos and this is within your control, however you have to be conscious of how. There are so many discordant and dissonant frequencies enveloping the world now with electricity and Wi-Fi everywhere.
Another great example is temperature, we have extremes of cold and heat, however it is simply a matter of scale. There is no exact delineation between what’s hot or cold. Temperature is simply differing degrees of vibration, faster means hotter, and slower means the colder it gets. To take this example to its highest degree, Spirit is at the highest end of the vibrational scale, while the most gross forms of matter are at the lowest end of the vibrational scale. Between these two poles, you could say everything is connected and exists as countless different modes of vibrating energy.
Everything is made of atoms, and these atoms are always in a constant state of motion. Also what’s critical to know is atoms are electrical in natural, everything in the universe is electrically charged, or based on plasma energy. This means where there’s electricity there’s magnetism. However at the core of all atoms is a still centre known as the zero point. This Centre is pure potential and contains an infinite, ‘intelligence’ which is connected to all things known as ‘the quantum field’, or ‘pure source energy’ or ‘creative intelligence’. This atomic energy is also known as the Torus field.
When viewed under a powerful microscope, each one of our trillions of cells resemble a donut shape, with the zero point in the centre. When we think certain thoughts, and have certain feelings, this creates certain vibrations, and we excite this zero point field into action, which results in the manifestation of things and our life. Dissonant vibrations that are not natural or balanced will create dissonance in ones life. Harmonious, resonant vibrations will create a harmonious and resonant life.
Frequency is simply the speed at which certain energy and sound vibrate at, measured in hertz.. And many things vibrate at different frequencies, our body, the Earth, all living things including plants, minerals, animals all vibrate at different hertz frequencies. Also we can measure music, sound and electricity in hertz. Traditionally the hertz frequency of the Earth has always been a steady 7.83 hertz, but in the last few years this has steadily risen, while the magnetism readings have fallen. This shows we are going through significant energy changes within ourselves and the Earth.
Music tuned to certain hertz frequencies is great to help rebalance us, and different hertz vibrations can affect us in different ways. 432 hertz is one of my favourites because it is great for balancing, it is heart based, and is related to ‘the sound nature’. It is perfectly in resonance. There are other good ones such as 528, 639, 741, 852 and 963 hertz. Generally the higher the hertz, the higher the chakra it affects. It is said that 963 hertz is good for opening the pineal gland, which is directly connected to the crown chakra.
As energy moves within the atom or torus field, it compresses as it moves downward through the centre, and this creates matter. As energy moves back up and around it expands and creates radiation. We get radiation from natural and man made sources. Radiation is just energy vibrating at different rates, depending on what type of radiation it is.
What interesting about radiation is that we can use our conscious minds to repel harmful radiation, such as micro waves, wi-fi etc, but as we are not developed enough yet, we cannot think to do this all the time. The ultimate radiation for us and the planet is the sun, and it’s resulting light frequency. It is the life-force-giving energy.
Ultimately the bottom line is nature and natural energy is always life-giving and life-enhancing, and artificially-created EMF energy is often harmful. We do have the technology to negate harmful radiation, however the ultimate is to implement natural principles into our living and lifestyle. This can be expressed in the natural foods we eat, exercise, being in nature, listening to harmonious sounds, being in loving relationships, our pets, gardening, betting some sun, breathing deeply, fire and much more.
Going back to Egyptian days, there is the original creation story, before Christianity, and all the legends and myths surrounding the birth of our religion. Re-lig-ion. To bind again.
There are the 4 key figures of Nut, Isis, Osiris and Set. Each of these correspond to the 4 elements that created the Earth. Anu is the ‘over arching’ Annunaki god who created these legends, that became our religions today. This was a way for the Sky gods to control the Earth and humanity, because they commandeered this planet for themselves.
Anyway the story goes that Set (Seth) killed Osiris, his twin brother and dismembered him into 15 sections, each section corresponding to a movable joint of the body, and he placed these ‘body parts’ down the length of the Nile River. The Nile relates to our spine, the ‘rod or staff of life’.
Isis was able to locate 14 of the 15 dismembered parts, and put Osiris back together, but could not find his missing phallus. So she fashioned one out of clay, and artificially inseminated herself to produce Horus. This is where the original immaculate conception story seen in every religion comes from.
Horus is where we get the terms hours, horizon and relates to the movement of the sun across the arch of the sky, time & the play of light n dark. A key ‘hero’ is now represented by an artificially created being and this brought about a significant layer of delusion in the mass minds of all the people.
Because it’s infused in our minds that Osiris, the ruler of the night, and a representative of the male energy, has been ‘dismembered’, thus rendering him impotent and disconnected from his true male energy Self and the land. Horus is an imposter figure, representing the straw man principle of an artificially created being with no potency.
This and other stories are deeply entrenched into the psyche of humanity and we can never break free until we RE-member, the DIS-membering of the key masculine energy that has been ‘removed’ from our beingness as a society.
Do we see the effects of this today? Absolutely, via war, the rise of transhumanism, the imbalance in the world between masculine and feminine energy, the rampant pedophilia, sexual abuse, porn, the push for AI & and lots more!
The law of polarity cannot be balanced due to these deeply ingrained impressions that we are not whole. Polarisation will always grip society until we remember our selves and men reclaim our divine masculine energy, and we as a collective can FACE THE DARKNESS now gripping the collective world!
We need strong divine male energy, with the feminine heart, to right the ship of imbalance that is threatening to destroy the world. Know the natural laws, know history (his story) and you will begin to under stand (stand under) the true foundation of our lives and a balanced Earth.
Going back to the 18th dynasty of Egyptian rule, through to about the 13th dynasty (about 1300 BC), was when the Hexos priests created the foundation for the current world matrix system. History is just the evolution of the legal and financial system.
Our matrix is created through two pillars, symbolised by the law of polarity. The line of the king on the left who rules the land and all assets via the “crown” and the line of the priest on the right who rules the legal system. In ancient days the priests always controlled the law and the money. The temples were the first banks.
Across the top of the two pillars is the arch, which symbolises the arch of the sky, through which the sun rises at the east pillar reaches zenith at summer solstice (sun stands still) and then sets, or kills the light at sunset. This is the most primal trinity of which all religion and life today is based upon.
The arch-way and pillars has many meanings that are literally infused into our collective memories. Each pillar represents the 4 elements of which the world is made. The over arching creator of this symbolic and literal image is Anu. The sky god (little g, because he is not our one creator God).
In 1302 the Papal bull decreed that all land and souls on Earth are in fact “owned” by the church. This was the beginning of the final prime stage of our modern day matrix enslavement system, and this is what is collapsing now. Hence the drama that is unfolding now.
There is so much that could be exposed about this it could take days and days of teaching to unravel it all.
I will continue to expose the bigger picture system and why tinkering with what we have is absolutely useless in humanity being free. We need the momentum of the current chaos to level the system matrix to the ground! No patching is ever going to give us our natural born sovereignty until we break the magic spell that has been cast over us. This includes the fact that our mothers unknowingly signed us away to the state at birth!
The law has so many layers, we can’t fight it abd hope to win. When we understand NATURAL LAW then we can understand man made law is a crock of shit designed to run on ARTIFICIAL intelligence. (I use the word “intelligence” here very loosely because it is actually death cult based.
Know natural law, know your natural born self, peel back the layers of your conditioning and don’t stop the journey until you know you are home, within your true Self, ONE with all in energy and nature.
Have you noticed that all of the prime elements of this world have either been under constant attack, or have been shielded and maligned by many sources, on-goingly since like forever? And now that this Corona virus has struck, it appears as though all humans are under attack!
The SUN…is the true symbol of Jesus, Abraham, Horus, Ra, and in fact almost every religious prophet throughout the ages, since ancient Babylonian days. The sun and nature can kill any malignant virus!
The sun is the “Light of the World”, the one that literally annihilates the darkness and brings warmth and LIFE to this planet. The sun has been referred to as the Son of God, (God is referred to as the original one intelligent creator) ‘The Father’ is not gender specific, it is old school language meaning “creator” and out of that creative intelligence, came the creation of the universe, galaxy and from that the solar system was birthed with our Sun, the offspring of God. The bible is one huge metaphoric story and half of it is irrelevant and the rest is a story about the stars and the constellations, as the sun moves around and in front of each area of space…
Can you imagine in ancient times, how miraculous the sun must have been as it came up, shedding its light and warmth, after a cold dark night, holed up in caves as people sheltered from the cold, wild animals and all sorts of things that could take your life? This primal life giving element is literally infused into our DNA and deep into the psyche of everyone one. Without the sun, we would have no photosynthesis and therefore no Plant life!
WATER and AIR are now being sold in bottles all around the world, mainly China and these companies involved are paying almost NOTHING in the process and making huge profit! Water is the new oil or gold, except you can’t drink oil or gold! Water and air, again, like the sun, is literally LIFE giving and has so many intrinsic, primal properties, no air or water, no plants, no life whatsoever could exist…and to break it down further, water and air consists of hydrogen, oxygen, CO2, and nitrogen and water exists in air, and ‘air’ in water.
The least component, CO2, is no less important to life, and yet it is under attack as the a dirty dangerous element! the oceans are being systemically degraded through pollution, nuclear waste, and God knows what else that is being poured into her.
The EARTH element - no earth, no home, yet it is also being denigrated in numerous ways almost unimaginable to me. The pollution via chemicals bombarding the soil and vegetation, sprays, nitrates passed off as fertilisers, top soil being lost in the process, trees being bulldozed around the Planet, bees dying off due to the chemicals, ground water contamination, and on and in I could go…
And to further the insult, us humans have to pay a heavy price to some phoney corporations just to be able to live on a piece of their own special land, our ancestors were driven off their lands and now they are trying to do it again, via ridiculous mortgage impositions (death gauge), land is being hoarded by the elites, while they try and herd us like cattle into tiny boxes, lifted up off the land, so we lose that special energetic connection to the Earth element and the Living Earth planet as a whole being.
The Earth is our truest foundation, it provides the Structural platform we need in order to be able to live and grow not only our life, but our food…we put our “roots” down on the land and from that connection, we can create stability, a house, a home and raise a family. Land is our birth right and we’ve been told that it is reserved only for a special few,. The land does not belong to us, WE belong to the land.
Now why is this all happening? I see a very insidious slow creep, that is speeding up no end, where we are constantly being bombarded with narratives aimed at us, that these things going on are somehow OUR fault, as in the people. We are being sold the line that we have trashed the planet, and we have, but what people don’t realise is who owns the industries that’s doing the trashing?
Who owns the media companies that are broadcasting this “you are guilty, so you must pay” line? Who owns the banks, which effectively own most of the key industries, as they happily sold us their stuff and made trillions, and now it’s all our doing? Yes, we were consumers of this, yes they were happy to sell it because we didn’t know any different, and then all of a sudden now it’s all our FAULT, because we bought not just the goodies, we bought the conditioned line that to have a happy life, you need lots of this stuff! We took the bait line hook and sinker!
So now that we know this, it behooves us to stop and take responsibility and use the most powerful word in the universe…NO! No more, I say! What say you? No, I don’t buy your crap, No I am not GUILTY of any wrong doing, No, I’m not going to feel shame, and therefore weaken myself further, No I’m not going to live on my knees, bowing down to the most corrupt Government lackies , who are really just another pawn in this game of lying tag, desperate to keep their positions and bonuses in their miserable, robotic controlled lives.
Don’t let them trash OUR planet and turn the tables on us! We need to reclaim our birth rights, stand on the land, drink deep, breathe, feel the Light and warmth, be energised and ride the wave into conscious knowing!
My journey of conscious awakening started in August 1987 when I heard a voice in my head, that instructed me to “go to the library” in no uncertain terms!
I was 26 years old, living in a typical Kiwi bachelor pad in Sydney Australia at the time, and the idea of going to get books was not usual at that time in my life, although I had been an avid reader from a child until my later teenage years.
As I browsed the shelves wondering what on earth I’m doing, I came across the non-fiction section and a book on quantum physics literally fell at my feet without my touching it! I also took away four other books on energy/self healing and spiritual development.
I found out many years later that particular day and time, was when the global meditation called Harmonic Convergence was being conducted, based on a significant date (countdown to 2012) in the Mayan calendar. A good friend I was to meet later, who was based in Antarctica, was the sole receiver of this global energy wave, as it went from Australia, to him on the Greenpeace boat, at the same time I was in this library!
My life changed exponentially from that day. I spent 3 months travelling India, Nepal and Thailand in 1989, then went to London in 1991 and explored many countries, including Turkey, America, Egypt. In Egypt I had the guided experience of placing a programmed crystal half way up the Great Pyramid.
Much of what ensued after that day, to this, has largely come about from my spoken, written and imaginations on what I wanted in life - adventure, spiritual & mind opening experiences, spontaneous healing and recollection of past lives, developing conscious entrepreneurship and enterprises, meeting my soul mate, meeting several enlightened beings in India, lots of sacred travel, developing my leadership skills and understanding the nature of reality and much more.
I still to this day I have a strong connection to that crystal, it’s a transmitter of light information directly to my mind and is a generative force to be reckoned with!
My travel adventures took me back to India 14 times, 8 of those trips were my own created spiritual groups, where we explored various ashrams, and later we trekked in various parts of the Himalayan mountains, including visiting the glacier source of the Ganges river four blessed times with special groups of aware and awakening souls.
I created a spiritual book and retail store, an aromatherapy business that I did extremely well in, brought the Himalayan salt to New Zealand, and business-developed various brands into commercial success stories, all the while doing what I loved and with people who loved and needed the products.
I encountered many experiences while on this journey, some took me into the depths of the darkness, I faced shape-shifting reptilians, witnessed several very close encounters with IFCs,(identified flying crafts), I faced bankruptcy more than once, I made a lot of money and then lost it all, I made many friends and then many turned against me, I mastered the art of living a truly double life, I was a spiritual seeker and wandering by day, and by night I continued to act like a regular kiwi bloke with my old school friends, I danced with Indian tribes around a fire and sat with many golden, and not so golden Gurus.
For the past 9 years I have been out of the limelight, learning to live a quiet life with my partner, while learning the art of living in a lifestyle setting, mastering the art of organic gardening and tending our many fruit trees, getting back to the land, chopping wood and carrying water. In this time, I also reinvented myself as a contractor selling Organics, herbs n spices and carving my own niche brands as the ‘spice man’ and ‘salt man’ for my business, Earthstar Wholefoods.
In the past 2 1/2 years, since I entered my second Saturn return, my attention has turned to the big picture. I ask myself, how can I help people become free, by freeing myself, how can I explain the natural sciences, by working with nature, how can I know the universal laws, by living the said laws, how can I know who I am and my ‘second nature’ by integrating the natural elements into my thinking and mindset, so that I can tap into my full conscious potential as a natural soul-being having a human experience?!
I have realised and recognised that we are here via a series of codes and encodings, the master codes which exist within our cells, and within our DNA. Through studying our true human history, I have recognised and realised that we are a genetic experiment of sorts that has given us incredible powers and potential. The very beings that many say are our nemesis, the Annunaki, the ones from heaven who came to Earth, are also the reason we are here and why we have so much potential to scale great heights in mastery, as galactic beings of Light. From darkness we are born, and once faced and recognised as such, then to the infinite Light we shall be born anew.
To all the conscious wanderers who have turned up here, and on Earth, I salute you and honour you as the way showers for the New Earth reality we are birthing!
Thank you for reading!
EarthStarFreedom, unbound!