Actually a lot, since time immemorial, the elites of the day have used language as a form of mind control, because letters are codes, which form words, and the resulting sound impacts our mind and life in direct ways.
The letters also directly correspond to numbers, and any computer programmer knows that it’s 1’s and 0’s that create everything in the digital world. One and zero also are source codes, and responsible for creating everything we have in the natural world. Also our genetic code is made up of letters, which arranged in a certain order, create our DNA and therefore our body. TGAC.
0 equals the void, or source, from which comes all life, 1 equals the male principle of creation, number 2 corresponds to the divine feminine principle of creation, and 3 is the resultant ‘marriage’ of 1 and 2, where these dual energies become materialised as the physical world and human beings. The story of the meaning of numbers goes on to infinity.
A also equals 1, B = 2, C = 3, and so on. It’s no accident there are 26 letters in our alpha-bet(a) because that is the fractal of 26,000. (Circumference of the Earth in kms and number of years to circumnavigate our great central sun)
So back to the words, angel means angle, angels are considered “Light beings”, and angles come from geometry and they mean “radiant Light”, or degrees of light. Certain degrees, as you go around a circle, are critical angles, such as 30, 45, 60, 90, 180, 260. These angels relate to the degree where certain geometrical shapes intersect the circle. Radiant relates to radial, radiation, radius. Our alleged original Earth colonisers refer to themselves as the “fallen angels”, because they “fell” to our planet.
For one to obtain the whole truth of our world, we must circumnavigate the circle and explore every angle and degree, in order to build a complete picture of ourselves and the world. Mathematics and geometry are major clues, or codes which indicate what truth the degree, or angle applies to.
The cross within the circle is a basic example, where each directional point pertains to a vital aspect of our life, all at 90 degrees to each other. East, North, West and South. The atomic structure, head, body, planet and cosmic space, when overlayed with a circle, will begin to tell a story that relates to the nature of reality and how we operate within each ‘frequency’ of the circle.
Energy moves in circular patterns and all matter is made up of circles, spheres and squares at a base level.
English literally means “the language of the angels”, this language is being promoted by the elites as their “master language” for the world, partly because it is so easy to mislead people through the various different meanings of the same or similar words. This means we have to look at words from various different ‘angles’. This is coding, syntax and by intoning words, we create sounds, which makes vibrations which leads to manifestations.
Our legal, political and financial system particularly uses words to deceive and to mislead, in order to keep their power. When we begin to understand the codings, we can understand everything about ourselves and our world/universe.
Words have three main components, as the context (back ground, big picture), coding as in letters and numbers already mentioned, and the sounds of the words.
In English, words can be spelt differently yet sound the same, therefore the meaning is going to be related. Words are like ‘spells’, because they can be used to deceive. The pen is mightier than the sword, the real sword, are words. “He is so cutting”, is a phrase that says it all. This is why music and sound is so important to our life.
In the beginning was the word. Words are vibrational. Everything is in constant state of vibration. Etymology, or the understanding of Root word meanings, is a fascinating journey and highly recommend it as an Avenue to know the real scientific, objective truths and natural laws.
Numbers and letters relate to the allegory of Adam and Eve in the bible.
Logos, from the word astrology also means “the word of God”, or the creative intelligence of the universe. Adam means atom, and Eve comes from the letter M. Broken down, M makes IVI. Rearrange these letters to form VII and you have sEVEn. 7 chakras, 7 visible colours, 7 is a key number relating to creation. I could go on decoding our language for hours, but you get the picture!
This is how we are living in a simulation, based on the science of numbers, letters and words, distorted and twisted, which means we are not getting the “SOURCE CODES to life. Once we understand these symbols and codes, then we can align with source, and create a true natural paradise on Earth.
A being of this stature needs no regulations, because political rules and regulations are ONLY for the unitiated, unaware people. This is why this type of knowledge is power, when understood and applied. Consciousness is therefore primary to true freedom. That’s why there’s a war going on in the world right now, for our consciousness and to subvert our minds.
Be careful what you think and say, because you are either adding to the chaos of the world, or soothing it!
Many people today are starved of meaningful connections to their Self, each other, the world & their conscious creative potential. By understanding our inner nature and the elemental universal truths, we can cause people to re-charge their health, wealth, & core energy, through applying and integrating the EarthStar™ WholeLife templates, thus awakening freedom and wisdom, for one and ALL.
When we look at our life and the world, we must start thinking in terms of energy, frequency, vibration, wholeness and elemental, or natural principles. We must start thinking in terms of ‘being at cause’, to cause life, not being at its effect, or focused on symptoms.
This requires a reprogramming of our minds, shifting from seeing, then believing, to believing first, then seeing, then from believing to knowing. There is not way out of the matrix, when we cannot change our perceptions.
We are highly programmable beings, and for centuries the human race has been subjected to multiple seeded mind programs that have not served us people. These “programs” are principally embedded within our music, movies, media, advertising, computers, software and school/university teachings.
Most of the information we take in is subliminal, through words, sounds, Light, transmitted via electro magnetic pulses to our 5 senses. Our brain then decodes these Light/sound vibrations and transmits them to our mind as thoughts which create emotions, based upon our beliefs and our prior ‘programming’.
Our brain and body, is immersed in a field of energy, and we are like an antenna, picking up all manner of sensations and information in our environment, via our nervous system. And we transmit energy out to the world, and ourselves, via thought and feeling. In order to understand how to re-program ourselves, in such a way as to be aligned with who we truly are, we have created the EarthStar system, with various natural, geometrical, numerical models which mirror how nature works.
We can reverse engineer ourselves by looking at each prime element that we are comprised of, and breaking them down into smaller chunks until we connect with our energy source. This is what Newton and Darwin was doing, however they could not reconcile our energetic, divine source and only looked at us as a ‘machine and material only’, with chemically induced reactions.
The truth is our energy, light n sound, is our baseline and source, which in turn makes our body, and it is this energy that creates the chemical impulses. Emotions (means energy in motion) and thoughts together create a certain energy which turns on, or off, certain chemicals in our body to make us feel depressed or happy or whatever.
Emotions are far more powerful than thoughts, because they reside deeper in the subconscious and live in every cell of our body. This is why when you had a strong emotional reaction as a child, you can remember it vividly with bodily feeling, when triggered by a current event.
Beliefs are also powerful, because they are repeated thoughts, with strong emotions tied together. You know when you are clashing with someone’s deep seated beliefs, as they will often react violently or with strong emotions. We can consciously start working to erase and dissolve these old programs, by installing new ones that are aligned with truth, freedom, purpose, serving, gratitude, forgiveness and many more positive attitudes and states.
One way achieve this, is to break down our existence into numbers. Here we highlight numbers 3, 4, 5, 7 & 12 which are specific resonant energies, states of being, attributes and sequences of thought.
The principles of three, or the trinity, is a powerful model we can use because ‘new physical creation comes on the count of three’. The number three is related to the “child” in ancient wisdom, which is an metaphor for a new creation. 1 is the masculine, two is the feminine principle and three is the result, which is where we “see” the creation.
Father, son and Holy Ghost; or mind, body and soul are also two metaphoric examples. You will see the power of three in mathematics, geometry (triangle) and nature,(3 leaves, clover, branches on a tree etc) but this principle can also be applied to business, a speech, a company by line, values, tasks, goals etc.
The ‘three things principle’ is powerful because the mind can think and retain information efficiently in lots of three. It also relates to our 3D physical reality.
The number four builds upon the initial creation of three, to create more complex systems, and is used to explain the physical Earth structures, 4 elements, 4 directions, 4 seasons and other cycles on Earth. 4 is also depicting the cross; above - below; and left -right hand planes of existence.
Then comes the principle energy of 5, which is associated with a bigger picture, a larger context of Earth life, with expanded spirit. The power of 5 is related to the 4 Earth elements of life, plus the 5th element ether which is our source, the divine matrix and is the invisible ‘glue’ that binds the physical Earth plane together.
Each element corresponds to spirit, soul, mind, emotion and physical structures. This can be broken down into many other components, both cross contextually, (similar background, different aspect) and into smaller and smaller ‘details’ that make up life. I call this The EarthStarTree of Life.
For example, the element Earth could be described as follows;
The Planet Earth.
Our home.
Trees, animals, minerals.
Our physical body.
Material things.
Systems and structures (as in a business sense, or in the Earth, i.e. soil)
Thinking processes are detailed and analytical in nature.
Building Foundations as a key value.
How, or ‘how to…’, is the main question.
Relates to our sense of sight.
…..and I could name many other qualities, concepts and details.
We can do this process for all the elements and apply the results to many areas of life, including deducing our personality strengths and weaknesses, relationships, businesses, our work, values, ways of learning, finding our purpose, our spiritual lives. This deduction reasoning method can even be used to create a new world financial system or political structure! The 5 elements could also correspond to a ‘quantum higher 5D resonance’, when fully integrated as one whole on Earth.
You could say the Solar system is constructed in fives, however our universe, and higher selves is constructed ultimately in lots of seven and twelve. We have seven chakras (seals), 7 notes, 7 colours, 7 heavens. The number seven deals with a much deeper and spiritual aspect of our lives, as well as being on Earth. Divide a circle by 7 and you get 51.4285714, almost identical to the angle of the sides of the Great pyramid of Egypt.
Twelve is a much bigger context again, and relates to the zodiac houses, time (equinoxes, day and night etc), space and high dimensional realities beyond our comprehension. Having said that, all numbers are integral to our universal energy, numbers are perfectly rational and immutable, they will always be true to their ‘tune’, just as with musical notes and geometrical shapes.
They are all correlated and synchronised with each other, as all energy is entwined in and around us. Divide a circle into 12 and you get 30 degrees, which is the latitude that the Great Pyramid sits on. Nothing is random in universal law.
So the secret is to use the elements and our mind, body, soul, as doorways and portals into the inner realms, not only of our selves, but the whole universe. When in that state of attention, on the elements of our creation, we can truly create our hearts desire.