We are all imagineers, the only difference is some are imagining their worst nightmare and others are creating their greatest dream.

The cabal can only create their plans, by using us and our imagination in reverse.

In other words we create FOR them, rather than for ourselves, through fear and the use of polarising images.

Ordinary humans are the greatest creators, and we can only create that which we “image”.

To Image is the “I am that I see I am”.

To use imagination, is to create an “image-nation”; a world of living pictures, first in the mind and then it manifests in the physical.

This is what our ancestors, and later, the quantum physicists, have been saying over and over again.

We are projectors, and we create the movie of our life, with what we see internally.

To imagine your ultimate life, in the face of a perceived dystopian reality, IS the REAL WORK!

Muster the courage!

Without the spectre of this dystopia, we will NEVER move and grow as a soul & human being.

So the question is… what are you creating, and for whom are you creating it?

What do you see in your future world now?

Who do you have to become, in order to be a “soul imagineer?”

Having many experiences in life, travelling to different countries, creates many different perspectives or points of view, which greatly assists one to clearly imagine a beautiful world.

Imagination means there is NO matrix, except the one you see.

“Nothing can stop what’s coming” is a phrase that’s used a lot to describe the coming disclosure of truth.…this also applies to the financial system collapse and the “reset” to a new system that is guaranteed. 

What that “reset” looks like however, is open to a lot of speculation and discussion!  Once Russia decided to enter Ukraine and take on NATO, then it was ‘game on’, and the avalanche started at the top of the mountain…therefore nothing can stop that avalanche. 

This ‘war’ is in fact a series of wars, on peoples health, it’s mind warfare, there is a war of East Vs west, and there’s a war between various cabal factions vying over control of the money. So it’s truly a chaotic mess as the old system is collapsing under the weight of debt and systemic corruption. 

Russia and the BRICS nations are only growing in members and it is reportedly now up to 19 in total, including heavy weights like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Argentina, Venezuela and many others. These countries comprise 50% of the world population, and are all united against the American hegemony and their reserve currency. The petro dollar is dead in the water and they don’t like that! 

The BRICS nations combined also control the majority of commodities around the world, including gold, oil, fertiliser and food. In these times where shortages of these commodities are commonplace, then this represents a serious amount of clout and power. These commodities all represent ENERGY in various forms, and energy is life! 

So once they roll out their digital reserve currency, probably backed by gold, because they are stocking up big time, then the rubber will hit the road and reality will set in! This is when the avalanche will strike the current financial system, and force the western countries into blockchain and digital assets, as well as break up a significant chunk of their power base. It’s seismic in nature to the current world paradigm! 

In the meantime, the Federal Reseve are in a battle of their own, yet they are a dying beast and will officially end up merged with the American treasury department. They are desperately raising interest rates to curb inflation, and printing money to prop up the liquidity, but those in the know, know that’s not going to do diddly squat! 

All that’s doing is destroying other nations economies, creating more debt & inflation globally and speeding us towards the inevitable collapse of the global markets due to the interest debt burden. It’s also destroying the European economy which is also saddled with a huge energy crisis. 

This is playing into the hands of the BRICS and I think they are just waiting until the collapse of the western economies arrives, and then they will announce their new currency… at this stage it’s all over red rover as far as the old world cabal, out goes the old boss and in comes the new boss! 

All of this scenario could take 2 more years to play out, but the ensuing time will be one of great instability and even more manipulation like we’ve never seen before! 

Please protect yourself and prepare for the arrival of a new system that will be very foreign to many... it will be digital based, but that doesn’t mean dystopian! 

Technology like money is just a tool, it’s the people behind the tech that matters! Blockchain technology affords us the huge opportunity to create a decentralised world, and now is the best time while the super powers themselves have their hands full with this collapsing paradigm. 

With unified participation and purpose we will create a new economy for the people, however we have a way to go for that to be bedded down into reality. Also I remind everyone that we have the individual power to create our own reality in this fall out, so keep your energy and resonance high, in order to better navigate the mind warfare designed to lower your energy! 

Energy truly is kryptonite to the matrix!!

~ Tony Knight

Decentralisation, Spirituality, Money, Community

Timeless Teachings with Yana Fry: A heart-to-heart with Tony Knight

How can we integrate business and spirituality? Why decentralised financing and crypto are an important part of the newly created world? Why The Earth is going through a major energetic shift right now and what it means for all of us? Why simplicity, self-sustainability, technology, and community is the future of our society?

Listen to podcast here


My name is Tony Knight (also known as KryptoneKnight) and I am here on Earth to awaken freedom in humanity, through expressing and applying the natural laws of reality to our lives. For the past 25 years I have created my businesses as vehicles in which I can live and work doing what I love, and assisting people to discover themselves in the process. Currently have my own Wholefood & organic sales consultancy called EarthStar, and I also speak, write and teach people how to integrate the natural laws of the universe into our everyday physical lives. I am now reinventing myself as a mentor and teacher on how to be our own banker and get financially free using new technologies known as blockchain, decentralised finance (DeFi) and crypto currency. One of my life tasks has been to decode the world system matrix, and by using the blockchain, we can now create a new economic system based on serving the people and creating universal freedom inside and out. Decentralisation is Kryptonite to the centralised matrix!


Yana has been born into a mystical family and started her conscious journey at the age of 8. In her 20s and 30s, she travelled all over the world looking for answers to the most fundamental human questions: Who Am I? Why Am I Here? How Can I Stop Suffering? She studied with Lamas in Bhutan, Gurus in India, Shamans in Peru, and also modern coaches, psychotherapists, scientists, mentors literally on every continent. Eventually she arrived into inner place of stillness, where there were no more questions… and that’s when she started teaching and guiding others. Today Yana is well-known for her unique ability to walk in both wellness and spiritual worlds as well as the philanthropical and entrepreneurial worlds. She is the founder of Timeless Teachings Podcast and Awaken Human. Based in Singapore, she teaches and tours worldwide. People refer to her as a global speaker, spiritual teacher, wellness retreats facilitator, life coach, co-author of 3 books, award-winning poetess, and truth illuminator, who inspires, empowers, and educates globally. Yana’s mission is to help humans awaken their full potential through the inner (mind, body, soul) and outer (money, relationships, purpose) alignments for the benefit of all beings. Her clients and students come from 30+ countries and highly diverse backgrounds.

Please see links below if you would like to follow Yana -

Timeless Teachings Podcast: https://linktr.ee/timelessteachings

Yana Fry: https://linktr.ee/yanafry

Content Support: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/yanafry

Purpose starts with knowing and understanding yourself

For many, purpose is something that few people understand, or it’s related to some lofty, ‘spiritual’ type of endeavour that we can only discover if we become like a monk or spiritual adept. This is a common misperception, there are many aspects or levels of purpose that are interwoven into our practical everyday lives, as well as our spiritual aspirations.

Some people are aware of their ultimate purpose, which is likely to have a strong spiritual, or altruistic aspect, however like any journey, we need to start from where we are now, and as we grow and progress, our purpose is likely to change. This is because we don’t know ourselves and who we are, and as we let go of the many layers of conditioning and illusionary veils, we get closer to understanding what our real purpose(s) are, and I use plural intentionally here. There is an ultimate purpose, however, we need to focus on the immediate ‘NOW’ and the stepping stones, in order to get there.

Use the prime elements of nature to create foundation

I contend there are 4 key elements we need to focus upon, which forms the foundation for which we can leverage off into our real spiritual purpose. Each element corresponds to the 4 prime elements of our planetary creation, earth, air, fire, water, with the 5th element ether, being our ultimate spiritual goal. These elements represent different value qualities, or frequencies of life, and when they are integrated and balanced into our life as a greater whole, then our real purpose can emerge.

It’s important that we feel comfortable and secure with our work, family, home situation, communication, a balance of thought with feeling, developing our values and hearts desires and general self worth with some positive direction. These elements can help guide and teach us where we are strong, and where we are weak.

Implementation requires certain actions and realisations.

To implement and apply these elements, requires a few basic things we can develop as habits in order to make them automatic. These are feeling, imagining, drawing, writing, speaking, listening, observing, stilling the mind and of course thinking or intending the desired want, need or goal.

It helps to know a little about yourself to make this process easier, such as what are your strengths, and weaknesses, are we a naturally grounded, stable, structured person who loves a bit of solitude and quiet, or are you a social butterfly, who loves to get out and about meeting people, creating new things and generally being action focused?

The EarthStar elemental models are a great way to learn and apply

I use the 5 elements as a central model to everything i write and speak about, because these elements make up our human, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life. We are what we think, feel, eat and imagine with passion. Life is made up of many parts, however those parts can be broken down into 5 main components, to make life far more simple in implementing and applying our life. So when it comes to purpose, we can have an intended focus for each element, as follows:-

Earth = connection to land, garden, physical health, practical material pursuits, structure (in business or home life)….grounded structure purpose

Water = ability to let go, go with the flow, balance emotions, develop feelings, devotion, meaningful relationships….emotional balance purpose

Air = ability to reason, critical thinking, academic pursuits, research ability, understanding mathematics, geometry and spatial, directional abilities….open mind purpose

Fire = passion, soul health, connection with other like minds, heart felt communication, charity and other altruistic pursuits that assist humanity…..social engagement purpose

Ether = spirituality in action, understanding the nature of reality….integration of spiritual purpose.

Purpose is knowing your WHYS

Purpose is our WHY, when you truly know why you are doing something, and it’s bigger than yourself, it natural makes you s-t-r-e-t-c -h to obtain it, because you are fuelling yourself from within, with an inexhaustible energy that comes via our heart and spirit. Purpose and manifesting your ideal life and inter twined, because obtaining your purpose will bring you the most happiness, and you will always be protected, and guided, as you act upon it.

Taking action and applying yourself is the key to making it happen. Action comes from a sense of knowing that what you are doing is for the greater good, as well as your immediate needs, and it springs from your feelings much more so that your thoughts.

Right action follows introspection

Actions and thoughts that relate to simply recognising how you feel, your beliefs, values, fears, perceived obstacles are best, before you actually “do” anything. And to elicit these perceptions, it is great to write, speak, contemplate or meditate upon them. As you do this, then the real magic can emerge. If we solely focus on the external, “I want money, I want happiness, I want this or that”, we will never accomplish these without looking at your internal landscape, and aligning your feelings with the intended want.

Don’t chase the external, focus on the feeling as though already here

Chasing money for example is a not a great purpose, the reason why we want money is in order to be able to experience something we can exchange for the money. As as we start focusing on why we want the money, and how we will feel when we obtain our purpose, as though we already have it, then the money can start to flow. This has been a big obstacle for myself in the past.

I was always focused on the conflict around money, (feeling unworthy, negative beliefs around money etc) rather that seeing it as a ‘tool’ in which we can advance yourselves down the path towards our passions and purpose. Purpose is really the key passion that has risen slightly above all the others that clamour for our attention. This chaotic clamouring is because we often are chasing other peoples ideas of passion and purpose, such as our parents, teachers, society demands etc, rather than our own.

An excellent exercise is to use verbs and nouns together to uncover purpose

Another great way to uncover your purpose, is to make a big list of as many verbs (doing words) as you can, like awakening, realising, empowering, inspiring, listening, creating etc, with another list of nouns (the outcome, abstract or concrete object of the doing and being), such as freedom, home, consciousness, truth, love, relationships, humanity, peace, etc.

Essentially what we are doing is bridge building. We are building bridges that connect our reasoning left brain with our emotive right brain, we are connecting mind and feelings with our body and actions, we are connecting the material with the spiritual, and we are connecting our Life with our purpose.

Your dreams will be realised when aligned with universal divine Will

Using natural models, such as what EarthStar is creating, are guaranteed to bring you great rewards in life, because we are dealing with inherent laws of nature and the universe, and mimicking how these laws actually work in the creative process of life. To those with big dreams, and whose time has come, nothing can stop you from realising and creating those dreams, when they are aligned with the higher will of universal law, as well as your own personal will on Earth.

Many of us should have heard of the saying, “where attention goes, energy flows." It is commonly used in various new age and mainstream business arenas.

Discover the trinity model of context, concept and content

There is a lot of truth in this statement, however I think many people get confused on how it applies, why it applies and the nuances involved in understanding it fully. There is almost always a ‘trinity’ model that applies to big statements like this, another words there is the context (big picture, metaphors) the concept (the idea, such as this one) and the content (the details involved in how the concept works in practical, applicable ways on Earth).

I learned this model from a teaching program called “Thought Leaders” and it is an invaluable tool to help us to explain, quantify and qualify our big ideas.

Our sense of sight is the most powerful factor in creating our beliefs

We generally put our attention or focus on that which we see or believe to be true. What we see or believe comes from our perceptions, which in turn comes from the deepest aspects of our subconscious mind, through what we read, hear, the other senses, and is further reinforced by what we see. Our sense of sight makes up around like 80% of our perceptions and brain workings.

Therefore we often say, when I see it, I will believe it, however we see what we want to see, based on our preconceived beliefs, many coming from our childhood. Therefore this creates a mental loop, and we always get to see, what we have been programmed to see. Another way of saying this is we will argue for our limitations, because beliefs and pre programmed perceptions, are limited and limiting us from seeing the bigger picture, or the context in which we live.

we see what we want to see, based on our preconceived beliefs, many coming from our childhood.

Install and seed our intentions and values for better life structure

The way to take control of our selves, and expand our horizons is to consciously install new programs into our mind, by setting our intentions and values for our life and make them structural, non changing and covering all prime elements of our existence. We can do this by studying the different aspects and natural elements of our lives that make up a fully conscious, aware being. To be an “actualised” being, means to take the required actions, in which we can consciously create our life, by design.

For example, our intentions could be as follows:-

The way to take control of our selves, and expand our horizons is to consciously install new programs into our mind...

Align ourselves and intentions with universal and natural laws and positive feelings

So the point is, set or seed intentions that make you feel good, are in line with your strengths, however don’t forget to set intentions that are universal for all beings. Therefore they are inherent truths based upon who we are, and how we operate at a causal level, not as an effect. The physical, material world and our body is the effect, or the last place where things show up. The causes of our world, and how it looks to us, is due to our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, actions, perceptions and knowings. So it is commonsense to pay attention to our energy within, and align ourselves with the universal and natural laws that govern everything in the cycles of life.

The EarthStar teachings use natural, timeless models and blueprints

With my EarthStar teachings, I use the prime natural elements, Hermetic laws and nature as my core teachings, by creating simple, profound models, templates or blueprints that we can all live by. For life to run smoothly, we must have a sound overall structure, lofty ideals, simple earthly truths, an awareness of our integration and alignments and be open to new ideas to change moment to moment.

When it comes to truth, these are the truths we can download into our being, and as they sink deeper into the subconscious, they become automatic, responsibly driven and profoundly aligned within the framework we were designed to operate in. Chaos and disorder comes from a life that is lived without any structure or conscious alignment to truths that anchor and expand.

We are galactic beings having an earthly experience

The name, EarthStar, speaks of the need to be aware we are intergalactic beings, having an Earthly experience in order to foster humanity into more cohesion and unity consciousness. “As above so below”, the Hermetic law of correspondence, explains we are literally Earth Star beings of ‘Light’ and ‘clay’.

An example of the 5 dimensions and how they create our physical reality

Stand up and see yourself as an ‘upright being’, imagine a vertical line from the base of our spine to the top of our head, now extend that line into the stars above, and the core of Earth below, and you are strengthening your connection to the 1st dimension and the ‘spirit above and ground below’. Now imagine a horizontal line running through your body, from right to left and left to right, see it going to infinity in both directions. Now you have created or revisioned the 2nd dimension of your existence, which gives you a cross. Now, imagine an energy line running front to back and you have the 3rd dimension framework. You are in the centre of that. Now imagine a circle going round your whole body, which could be seen as the 4th dimension, then make the circle a sphere, or elliptical shape, with the vertical and horizontal axis’s going in all their respective directions, and you are now replicating the 5th dimension!

This is partly what I believe Leonardo Da Vinci was portraying with his drawing of the Vitruvius man, along with our relation to the Fibonacci sequence and other symbolic meanings of nature, geometry, mathematics etc.

Visualise the torus moving in and around your body

Fill your sphere/elliptic with light, and practise going about your day in your light bubble! This is the ultimate bubble to be in! If you like you can then imagine a Torus like energy moving down from the top of your head, through your heart and into the ground and then curling up and around the edge of your sphere.

Do this in your meditations and I guarantee after a short while, you will feel amazing, light and feeling alright! You are simply representing and re-presenting what is actually taking place, this is what keeps you ‘alive’, with your chakras which are constantly feeding your spherical like auric field. The torus is operating at a tiny atomic level as well as at a planetary and galactic level. By imagining and feeling this constant toroidal movement greatly expands our energy!

Reprogram yourself with your core intentions and practise them until automatic

So in conclusion, set your intentions on the core foundations, program them into your mind and being so you are on auto or semi pilot, then ensure your attention is placed upon that which you want to see in the world, not what the world wants you to see! Do you see the difference? Our media, TV, politicians, authorities etc all want us to focus our attention on what they want for us, however very little is actually based on truth, or harmonious living in cooperation and unity.

At first it is challenging, because we were not brought up to question or defy authority, however my stance is that we are not defying them per se, we are merely standing up, and waking up, to who we really are and our rights to live in accordance with a higher truth and true freedom.

Focus on positive outcomes , and ‘know thy Self’

The other key thing as a truth seeker to remember, is that as we discover ‘material evidence that looks negative’, don’t put your valuable attention upon the negative as though it’s guaranteed to happen. As we are living in a world of duality, the positive opposite is just as possible to happen, and in fact it is certain that the positive WILL happen, as we continually focus on that, and when more people discard the polarisation and stand in your positively empowered Self. This gets easier when we have followed the outline given here, which is what it means to ‘know thyself’.

We are gathering great momentum now within humanity for a positive, more unified people empowered world. This is because of other energetics going on, you could say the tidal wave of solar, galactic change has hit Earth, so we can learn how to catch this wave and ride it all the way into the 5D Real-I-Tee!

As we are living in a world of duality, the positive opposite is just as possible to happen, and in fact it is certain that the positive WILL happen, as we continually focus on that...

“Pain is certain, suffering is optional”

Gautama Buddha

I am being perfectly serious when I say that this current time in the world, is our greatest opportunity of our lifetime. How can I say that when so many are suffering?

Without pain and suffering we would have no growth

The thing is, this planet is a planet of alternating suffering, and pleasure. It is part of the human conditioning and it’s an absolutely vital ingredient to growth. Everything that is alive and can feel pain, will feel pain, adversity and possibly intense suffering, prior to a growth spurt. Then as we grow more, the pain may or may not be apparent, depending on the situation, but suffering certainly becomes a choice. Pain and suffering are not mutually inclusive…one can feel pain without suffering.

Pain is usually relatively short, sharp and often comes rather suddenly, however suffering is that which is generally long and drawn out, as it’s a refusal or inability to accept and let go of something that happened, mostly in the past since childhood.

Everything that is alive and can feel pain, will feel pain, adversity and possibly intense suffering, prior to a growth spurt.

Suffering occurs on a mental, emotional and energetic level. Many people right now are not in pain, although it feels painful…what they are going through is a suffering of trauma or grief, which comes about from an inability to accept, love or face the current situation.

I realise many people are being heavily tested, however when you boil down most peoples situations, especially in the western world, the danger and issues are often small in comparison to the perceived threat or fear. I’m not talking about people who are going through very extreme challenges, these people need and deserve extra care, compassion and understanding.

Suffering is an addiction to the past or fear of the future

Most threats, fear and suffering people are experiencing today, is coming from something that might happen, or has already happened. Another words, we are still reliving the pain & suffering from some incident from our past, or we are reacting to something that ‘might’ happen in the future. Flight or flight, governed by the reptilian back brain.

Many people have not been able to clear their past traumas through lack of awareness or understanding, and for many people, sadly this becomes there ‘normal’ way of living. Other people are suffering from escapism and are desperately craving a future that they can never manifest in their current state.

Thoughts feed emotions, which creates a reaction, which further strengthens the original thoughts, which create more emotions, and this circular self induced argument goes on forever, with most not able to see this suffering loop they are creating. It’s called the wheel of samsara.

Our negative emotions are signs to acknowledge and face the inner child

The best way to dissolve suffering is to face it head on, as a witness. The same with any negative emotion caused by denial of our past, or attachment to some false future. So fear, irresponsibility, anger, resentment, jealousy, shame etc, all need the panacea of being acknowledged and faced.

An unaddressed emotion or suffering, that is continually repeating on you, is like a naughty child running amok in your house, until you deal with the child directly, with love, care and firmness. The issue running amok in our minds and body, is exactly like our own ‘inner child’ that is looking for our attention, until we deal with it square on, with Self love, strength and a genuine desire to resolve the issue.

An aspect of awareness, is simply noticing when you have been triggered, and are in reaction mode, rather than response-ability mode. Then with gratitude, we can release the load.

An unaddressed emotion or suffering, that is continually repeating on you, is like a naughty child running amok in your house, until you deal with the child directly, with love, care and firmness.

Nothing happens in isolation, all key events are connected and have meaning

This build up sets the scene for what’s happening to many people today, however it is now on a collective scale. Many people may not realise, but there has been a definite build up to this time in history, many events have been happening in seeming isolation, however now most of the planet is involved. There are extreme things happening on a particularly obvious level, in our financial, economic, political, social, legal and medical/health arenas of our life.

What is not so obvious is that these events are also being affected by, or are affecting, all other areas of our lives, spiritual, technological, environmental and primal energetic, etheric levels! This is where we also need to look for the answers, as they do not live on the surface.

We see only what we are trained to see and believe

The biggest problems always live at the deepest levels, and because we are trained to judge what we see, we don’t generally know, or want to look deeper beyond our 5 basic senses. We see what we are trained and conditioned to believe. We are surface dwellers, looking for the quick fix. It’s Human nature, and that’s fine as it has its place, however, 99% of our reality is created by what we can’t see. The other 1% is the biofeedback we get from the physical realm.

Who we truly are is a mindful, soulful, spiritual, energetic, emotional being…energy in motion, wrapped in a physical vehicle.

What’s happening on Earth, is happening in space.

The fact that the entire world, on some level is being affected, indicates that this is not an isolated situation, Corona Virus did not just ‘come out of the blue’, despite what you may think. It was planned on many levels, not just by some nefarious evil elite, which is true relatively speaking, but only part of the story. The magnitude of events also says that we are moving into a highly significant junction in the history of humanity and the world, this is even on a universal scale it’s that big.

As the Hermetic saying goes, “As above, so below, as within, so without”. Meaning, whatever happens ‘below’, on Earth, is happening ‘above’ in space, and whatever occurs ‘without’ (outside of us), is also happening ‘within’ us. In fact all the 7 Hermetic principles are in significant play at present, being the principle laws of mentalism, correspondence, vibration, Rhythm, polarity, cause and effect and Gender.

We are at the centre of a universal clock

It’s like all the laws are synchronising, just as the individual cogs of a watch create a special ‘synchronisation’ in order to strike 12 noon, or midnight. And indeed our solar system and heavens is like the centre of a giant cosmic clock, and we are moving into a special ‘time in space’, where the constellations and stars are like the various numbers or energy quadrants of this universal circle. We are entering a new era or epoch, and with that comes various portents and signs that precedes it, as has been recorded throughout history with other significant Earth and humanity changes.

Polarisation and opposites are laws of our Earth to ensure we grow

You will notice an interesting theme that runs through all 7 Hermetic principles, they all exhibit a certain degree of polarisation, and/or reflection as follows:-

The reason why I illustrate this, is to show how polarity, opposites and polarisation is literally inbuilt into our genetic make up, as I said, the purpose of pain and suffering is to help us grow, so what’s the lesson and positive pole to this current crisis? There must be one, as it is inscribed into our natural and universal laws. This is the reason why I am using them as a key pillar of my core teachings.

Good Questions lead to good answers

What are the real underlying reasons why we are going through these events on Earth? What are the real causes, and what are the lessons we most need to learn, in order to come out the other side with an expanded, more conscious world? (Or some of you might be thinking, to even come out with a world that exists at all!)

To me, the answers are found within the earlier points we touched on, namely energetics, environment, metaphysics, spirituality, as well as off planet life forms, the ‘life Vs death issue’ and even in science. Also, our history gives many clues, due to these events either being foretold, or because of similar events that have hit Earth. On the grand scale of time, humanity is reaching a nexus point for its next evolutionary leap in consciousness.

My synopsis is that the details and answers to my questions, will vary widely, however many people will fall into similar groups, depending on their level of education, understanding and imagination. No one is going to be absolutely right, or wrong, because each ones experience is their own journey, however my prediction is that our understanding of ‘energy’ and who we are is going to greatly change as an outcome from the next 6 months to 6 years. Why not take time to question yourself?

Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only change form

There is likely to be a significant solar or cosmic event coming to Earth, that will catch the attention of all 7.5 billion people on the planet, and no one can say it’s just a ‘conspiracy theory!’ However I also think that this event will be intricately coupled with some tremendous positive changes on EVERY LEVEL, that many people are not expecting or seeing as an option.

Energy can never be destroyed, it can only be changed into another form. Darkness and dark energy, can be transmuted into light, fear can be transmuted into courage, hate can be transmuted into love….as the law of polarity dictates, wherever there is darkness, or despair, so there must be Light and joy.

Reconciliation is within reach – Light always follows darkness

We are not seeing much joy on the planet right now, I realise there is much pain and suffering, or at the very least, some discomfort and uncertainty, but please know that the coming few months and years, this will be reconciled and understood, on some or many levels. The light must follow the darkness, as surely as the sun rises on the east every single morning.

So in conclusion, you may feel some pain or be suffering right now, however it is always darkest just before dawn, and a new dawn is definitely rising upon Earth as we reach the true age of Aquarius and the completion of another loop around our galaxy, the Milky Way.

Try and stop feeling ‘small’ in stature, and start opening your mind to the great wonders that are above us, inside us and all around us, while at the same time remember that the it’s the ego with its trivial wants, that are really not that important in the bigger picture now unfolding.

...you may feel some pain or be suffering right now, however it is always darkest just before dawn, and a new dawn is definitely rising upon Earth

In these times of great deceit, where there is much turmoil in the world, I like to reflect on the big picture and look at where the world is going, and how it is being directed. There is a clear cut strategy to lump people into large opposing groups, this is called “collectivism”.

If you happen to fall outside of these “pigeon holes”, then you can be labelled as racist, homophobic, conspiracy theorist, right wing, left wing, fascist, capitalist, communist or whatever suits at the time to create more division.

Oneness and unity begins with the individual

The antidote to collectivism is for the individual to regain their freedom of rights and understanding of ‘where they stand’. Empowering the individual is not creating more division or ego, like we have been taught and led to believe! Oneness and unity, always begins with an individual that is conscious and one with themselves.

An awakened human who knows the truth of who they are, and where they stand, will automatically enroll and affect others into the same unified understanding. A forest begins with a single tree, just as a family begins with a single human being and eventually you have the family ‘tree’.

Awakening individuals is the ultimate power

Empowered individuals will always understand critical, logical thinking and they also understand emotional receptivity and heart based feelings. An empowered human being is connected to spirit above and the Earth below. It is said in Buddhist teachings, that one truly awakened human being does more for the planet that anything else, just look at the impact that Buddha had on the planet! The teachings live on today after 2500 years, and although they may not be exactly what Buddha taught in its purity, many Buddhists, or people who learn his teachings, get many positive understandings and can therefore evolve and grow. Even in other traditional Christian teachings, although I don’t often agree with religion in its controlling dogmatism, it assists many people to grow spiritually and as a human being, because it’s what they need at the time.

It is said in Buddhist teachings, that one truly awakened human being does more for the planet that anything else, just look at the impact that Buddha had on the planet!

Truth is subjective and objective

The inner strength and balance of an individual, leads to strong values in families, which leads to strong diverse communities, which in turn leads to strong unified nations and world. The virtue signalling which we see a lot of today, does not lead to virtuous living, no matter how many times it is repeated. When politicians wax lyrical about wonderful values like kindness, peace, love and other such things, they cannot be grounded as integral until people know and live the truth.

The inner strength and balance of an individual, leads to strong values in families, which leads to strong diverse communities, which in turn leads to strong unified nations and world.

Values such as these are like dust in the wind, until there is an underlying foundation in which to balance and integrate the values, and this means having lots of experiences, understanding the law of polarity and knowing truth. The truth is within and outside of us.

There is the truth of who we are, the truth of how we live, and the truth that is happening in the world. And yes the outer truths are subjective, meaning they are somewhat personal to each person at their level of understanding, however when people learn more about themselves and the objective truths, which are natural principles and laws, then the subjective truths of what’s going on in the world become more aligned in context.

An example of balancing truth in politics

To give an example, in politics we have labels for left wing and right wing affiliation. The left wing camp will say that we must look after the poor, the environment and pay attention to the social need of the community, however the only way that is going to happen properly is by considering the ‘right wing’ needs of production, taking responsibility for ones self and taking actions that create abundance to pay for the genuine welfare required.

This is a macro example of the importance of balancing the polarities of life. This comes about through consciously aware individuals, who understand their objective nature, and hopefully some are in positions of power and leadership authority!

Objective truth is our foundation

What I find is the best way to understand objective truth is to see it as a foundation for life, just as our Earth is an objective foundation ‘home’ for us to live on. Natural principles and universal laws are solid, unchanging immutable truths, which makes them objective and these translate into quality moral and common laws to base a balanced society. “Do no harm” or, “do not cheat, lie, steal or kill” is surely a commonsense moral law, which can easily be a simple basis for our legal system, of common law. Natural laws can create a legal system that is in harmony with all human beings, as we are all unified by nature and creative forces.

Develop faith to truly gain empowerment

I think it is important to mention at this point, a key value or tenet to learn and know is FAITH. This is unifying and integrally valuable, to assist us in growing as a spirit or soul, having a human experience. Faith is what religion or spiritual teachings are really supposed to teach. Faith is being able to feel safe and secure, when we don’t have all the “evidence” of where we are heading.

Faith is being able to feel safe and secure, when we don’t have all the “evidence” of where we are heading.

Faith in it’s most powerful, creates the evidence and drive we need to keep going when everything looks dark and unknown. We would not advance as a being, or as humanity if we had to “know” everything before we did anything. We harness faith, so that we CAN know, and so that we grow inwardly as a soul and outwardly as a human being. The inward - outward bio feedback mechanism is very important to assist us to do what we know is right.

Following our heart is faith

We must especially encourage children to develop faith, by teaching them to follow their heart. Children will do this naturally, however we as adults often want to shut them down, because we have forgotten how to follow our heart and do what we love, and to have faith in a higher power. The ultimate faith is this type of faith, via the heart, via love, which in turn connects us to a higher power greater than our physical/mental self.

We must especially encourage children to develop faith, by teaching them to follow their heart.

Faith coupled with truth, is a powerful combination which can literally create miracles and move mountains if we knew we could. Same with this current world situation, we must harness faith, know truth and then kindness and peace will be understood in proper context and as a way to live a healthy balanced life.

The goal is freedom

Freedom is the goal for many who understand & know themselves. This is only possible by living with natural truths and faith, grounded in our individuality, as central tenets on which to base a life of freedom in our community (come-unity, co-immunity) and world at large.

It may seem too simple for some, but asking good questions is actually a highly underrated manifestation technology that we can use to help guide, direct and create a life of freedom and purpose. Different questions create different results. Also there are three main types of questions, open ended, closed and yes/no questions. The main types of questions we are interested in, are open ended questions. There is a very important aspect to our mind, in that when we sincerely ask a question, with feeling and good intentions, our mind will automatically begin to seek out its answer.

Good questions are like seeds

Asking a good question can be like planting a seed, however just like planting seeds in a garden, our mind must be ‘fertile’, just like the garden soil. The fertility comes from the quality of the question, the intention, and the presence of a strong desire to realise the answer. Poor questions lead to poor results and answers, such as lamenting questions, i.e. “Why am I so cursed in life?”. This is not a good type of question, because we are essentially saying you are cursed. A better question is “why do these things keep happening to me, and what can I do now to change this pattern?”

Asking a good question can be like planting a seed, however just like planting seeds in a garden, our mind must be ‘fertile’, just like the garden soil. The fertility comes from the quality of the question, the intention, and the presence of a strong desire to realise the answer.

Types of questions

There are 6 main categories of questions; who, why, what, where, when and how. Questions are applicable to any aspect of life, in business, personal relationships, personal development, a specific project, problem solving, direction, discovering your needs and much more.

WHO - I start with a who question, because it is prime question many of us don’t bother to ask. The who question is best to start with ourselves, because we are the common denominator in our life! This question uncovers our true POWER. Everything we do, involves us! And to the degree that we are clear on who we are, who we need to best align with, and who we need to be to others, or to get things done, the better off we are. Simply starting the process by asking, “WHO AM I?”, could yield some surprising answers! Not many of us stop to ask who we are, because we are not taught this in our western culture, and because the real you is buried under many layers of cultural conditioning, this makes repeatedly asking this question such a a great first up question! Who are you, really? Hand writing the question, and the answers, is a powerful way to engage the whole body in the process, and take time to think deeply while doing it. Who is related to all prime elements, but particularly FIRE, setting values and the right brain.

WHY – Another very powerful question, particularly Why am I here on Earth? Because this question is essentially aimed at uncovering your prime PURPOSE in life. To me we also have various sub- purposes, which are important as we move through our life. There is our main purpose in our business or work arena, a purpose to connect with people, a purpose in our relationships, a purpose to our family, communications, and other key areas of life. We may have a purpose to earn a certain amount of money, so that we can buy a house or save for a holiday. If we attach everything we do with a purpose, then we will have a very purposeful life. Many people say that they don’t know what their purpose is, I think mainly because they see it only as a lofty, spiritual pursuit and therefore give up on discovering it. Life is a journey, not a destination, and our prime purpose may well change multiple times! This is because we are getting to know who we are, and we are constantly growing and knowing more who we are, therefore our goals and desires change. Why is related to ETHER.

WHAT – the what question in its higher form is all about our VISION. What do we really want in life? What do we want to create? What do we want to see in our life, in a certain time frame? What is also very much concerned with our mind and logical thinking. What do I need to do now to achieve my goals? What is going on here? What is the best course of action, it really is a directing question concerning with action, as well as ‘attaining’ something. Also it involves using your sense of sight, it’s empowered by being able to envision yourself achieving your outcome. What is related to the AIR element and intention of mind.

WHERE – This question is also another directional question and is related to our spatial qualities. Where are we going? Where is situational, and is very important when setting goals and habits, because we need to be in comfortable, familiar surroundings in order to remember habitually. Where also has a higher more abstract meaning, regarding, where are we in space, where is the planet Earth and our solar system in relation to the galaxy and universe?. When meditating we often get a feeling of where we are, is everywhere! This type of thinking can help us expand our horizons and lift us out of the mundane earthly aspects of life. Where is about the big picture and our journey along the way in life.

WHEN – This question is very important when conducting business, setting time frames, dates, appointments and timing in general. We need to know when and where we are in time. ‘Clock time’ on Earth is actually an illusion, yet we are so dependant in time, so it’s a paradox. By understanding time as cycles, this can assist us in developing a good sense of time. Time flows fast when you are absorbed and busy in what you enjoy and can appear to drag when you are bored and disliking what you are doing. And like the abstract where in space am I, we could ask when in space am I? When you like at time on the larger scale, as cycles of daylight and night, (day) moon cycles (month) equinoxes and solstices (solar cycles), then we can get a different perspective in what time really is. The trick is to use our left brain to manage our calendar and our right brain to manage our journey through the seasons of time and our journey in life. There a reason, a season and a lifetime for everything. This question strongly relates to WATER, so time flows, so does water.

HOW – This question is all important for implementing your plans and goals. The how is concerned with the details, the planning, the strategy and tactics for whatever you are intending and attending to. Once we know who we are, why we are here, what we want, where and when we are, we need the ‘how’ to ground everything, so you can take the required action, according to the plan. Nothing happens without taking action, and without a good plan and how, no positive right action can occur.
This relates to the EARTH element.

Freedom, truth and responsibility must all be TAKEN.

With the times that we are now living in, it is vital that we start questioning what’s happening, because otherwise we will be allowing others to dictate our freedoms. Responsibility is a key value, which comes from who you are being. We must take responsibility now, it cannot be given. Same with knowledge or truth, it is not given readily, we must take the action to know ourselves and our world, ask all the appropriate questions and take action, if we want to have a world worth living for ourselves and our children. This is not a time to be ignorant and idle! Freedom also must be seized, and the best way to start on the journey to true freedom, is to know who you are, why you are here, what you need to do and how.

It is at times like we have today, when questioning starts in earnest, and we get to see, in stark reality, where we are feeling strong, or weak, deficient, lacking and fearful. Questions like; “why/what is happening in the world?”; “What is really happening behind the scenes?”; “What part do I play in this scenario?”; “How am I going to get through this and what do I need to do now?”. Often the initial questioning is based on our own personal survival or related to rather surface based things which are in fact effects, or symptoms of a deeper cause. In general, many of us don’t question at all or ask the wrong questions and therefore we get the wrong answers, that only satisfy us temporarily. Then something big comes along like Corona Virus, and suddenly we are at attention, wondering why this event, seemingly “came out of the blue”. Actually if we get honest, most of us knew deep down, that something was coming, our life wasn’t really going all that well, something was troubling us, we had that ‘nagging feeling something was off’, etc. 

Now is the time when we should be asking bigger questions, such as “what is my purpose in life?”, “what are my strengths and weaknesses?”; “Why am I not happy and what can I do about it?”; “What does freedom really look like?”; “What is a sustainable life?”; “Why am I not satisfied, when I thought I had achieved success?” ; “Who am I really and why do I feel this fear?”. To get to true sustainability in life, we have to ask the right questions and get to the bottom of our life. You could say that sometimes we have to reach the bottom, in order to shift our awareness into the right mindset. For the first time in most peoples lives, we are going through this transition as a world wide collective all at once, therefore we are not alone in that sense. 

Everything starts in our mind, the universe is created within a ‘mental’ construct, meaning it is a ‘field of energy’.  We live within this field of creative energy and likewise, we have a field of energy within us. This comes from the timeless teachings of Thoth the Atlantean, known as the ‘scribe of the Gods’, and he is responsible for creating the word “thought”. Thoughts are “things”, in the sense that they are extremely powerful and will create material “things” if persistently repetitive, for better or worse, conscious or unconscious. Most of our thoughts are unconscious, meaning we are unaware we are even thinking those thoughts, however when we can direct them consciously then we can create that which we consciously choose. This is one of the secrets to freedom. 

Questions are essentially consciously directed thoughts, to yourSelf, which the mind then seeks to provide you with the answers, via a thought feedback. The better the questions, the better the answers, as this follows the law of how the universe works. It must be so, otherwise we would have a random world where nothing made sense. Many people are brought up and conditioned that we ARE in fact living in a random world, full of coincidences. There are NO coincidences! Only laws and reality, misinterpreted. 

When repeated thoughts are streaming through your head, invariably they are not coming FROM your head, they are thoughts in the collective field, that you are intricately and inextricably connected to via the threads of energy that spin and wave through the universe. Of the hundreds of thousands of thoughts we have each day, we are unaware of most, yet they are steering you in a certain direction, and if those thoughts are counter productive or ‘junk’ in that they don’t offer solutions or are not based in truth and reality, then you will feel feelings that are less than great. This sets off more thoughts and a never ending feed back loop, until you learn to consciously interrupt the ‘thought stream’, using meditation, conscious questioning, self awareness techniques, and enough stillness or connection to nature to “feel the feelings” and “hear yourself think”. 

With the current world situation, imagine the jumble of thoughts that are collectively being ‘uploaded’ into the ‘field’ and how many other people are in turn ‘downloading’ similar thought patterns that may be fear based, anger, resentment, hatred and many other polarised thoughts, which have a strong emotion attached making them even more powerful. See thoughts without feelings have no power, and feelings without thought have no direction. Thoughts are leading us somewhere, with aligned feelings then we have the energy (e-motion), or juice to power those thoughts. Feelings without aligned thoughts are very destructive and lead us no where except round in circles. This is what a lot of people are exhibiting today, because of unattended emotions and thoughts that are fear based or negativity impacting in some way. Caused by childhood dramas and traumas and maintained and even exacerbated by a conditioning based world that keeps us running the treadmill…and then Corona virus comes along and we all stop dead in our tracks, leaving many of us with the time to now start enquiring into ourselves and the world. Some of us have already been doing this for many years, some of us have been questioning the world set up for much of our lives, or at least felt the nagging feeling of being unfulfilled but not knowing the cause. 

The concept of thoughts and feelings, can be modelled as a horizontal line. The Left side is related to the left brain, logic, reasoning, critical objective thinking, and right side to feelings, emotions, right brain abstract thinking, day dreaming and the limbic brain which houses all feelings. Strong emotions are associated with memory, because they impact us on such a deep level. This horizontal imaginary line, is in fact related to our longitudinal lines around the Earth going east – west, while the latitudinal lines run north – south, and these form the ‘axis of two dimensional reality’. The Cross is actually a model depicting a balance of left and right brain and associated mental/feeling states and the latitudinal or vertical axis, references  the above and below, just as we have a head above and feet below, or sky above, Earth below etc. Thought and feeling together literally create the cross template from which 2 dimensions can appear! This metaphor is also displayed in dozens of different models that are universal in nature, such as the native American Indian medicine wheel.  Consider the parable of Jesus on the cross, and his crucification! This is a story warning of our propensity to hang ourselves on our own cross, when our thoughts and feelings are out of alignment with who we are and our purpose, passion and life direction. Can you see how this then goes back to those bigger causal questions? 

EarthStarFreedom utilises the medicine wheel and cross as key symbols and truth models, because they speak of a coded language that points to “the nature of reality” and its underpinning templates that cause matter and life to appear as it does. We can also look to many other examples that can help us to understand ourselves, such as numbers, which speak through scale, angles, degrees, height, width, length, depth, volume, energy, ratios, statistics and on and in. Also there is sacred geometry, particularly  the 5 Platonic solids, the circle, flower of life, seed of life, torus, these are all patterns that are the building blocks and energy blueprints to EVERYTHING in the universe. Music is another example, all notes correspond to hertz number frequency and specific  geometrical shapes, of which the sum total of all the angle degrees in the shape, relate to that same hertz frequency!

So don’t just focus on ‘what’ you think, but also on ‘how’ you are thinking, and consider the blueprint you are creating, is it enough to build a temple (template) upon, or is it discordant and just fearful noise, which will be sending you into an emotional ‘spin’ or a vortex turmoil? And with your feelings, are they what excites you and makes your heart sing, like a beautiful musical note in tune? And when you bring positive conscious thoughts together with feelings that empower you, and you are aware of the heavens above and feel Earthed below, then you are creating and turning what the Tibetans called the ‘Dharma wheel of life’, or you are bringing in the medicine you need for your life and all lives, as these thoughts are broadcast into the energy field. 

This is the time to not run away from the current challenges, but to run towards what you see as your greatest purpose and calling. Courage with noble thought, truly is power and will overcome any obstacle. 

With this current virus situation afflicting the whole world, and our resulting isolation, now is the best time to start growing a garden and your own food. I know many people may think that you need a lot of space, however you would be amazed at how much you can squeeze into a small plot! I’ve seen gardens out the back of a small units and it was crammed with virtually every major vege, enough to feed 3 people for 5-6 months.

Food is more than just filling our stomachs when we feel hungry, or emotional. Often we take food for granted, especially in countries like New Zealand, where we often have a plentiful supply of good quality food, however in times like this, suddenly we realise we cannot take anything for granted, let alone food. Food is nourishment, food brings people together, food can also be medicine, however growing our own organic food is especially awesome as it is highly fulfilling and healthy for us in fundamental ways for a quality life.

Gardening gets us outside and connecting with nature, we get exposure to the sunshine, we can connect to the Earth and find a grounding point, we breath deeper through the exercise, we get to move our whole body. Many profound effects can be felt, by this one simple action of tending to your garden. I used to suffer from very painful arthritis and fibromyalgia, however after taking up gardening, most of the pain I felt has disappeared, partly through the movement and exercise, through the increased awareness of food and because my mindset and attitudes changed through the whole process from preparing the garden, to the satisfaction and delight of eating our own produce.

They say charity starts at home, and I think growing our own food is one of THE most charitable things we can be doing for our family, our immediate neighbourhood and even wider community. In the old days when we had no ready access to all the home comforts of today, most households had a garden and every week or so, everyone from the “village” would gather at the local market to buy, sell and trade food and other necessities. This brings connection with others and social interaction, it fosters a community spirit, and people get what they need, while others offload what others need.

General organics and bio dynamic food, is one of my primary values because it further widens the circle of beneficial influence, to include even greater health for us and the environment, and can include agriculture, Aqua culture and larger scale horticulture can reach more people. Health is not just the absence of disease, it is the basis of a dynamic lifestyle that includes mental, emotional and spiritual health, as well as physical. An organic lifestyle takes this concept even deeper, as you become conscious of the fact that the foundation of life is bio organic, you will get to understand as you work with nature, that nature is ‘conscious’ and literally ‘the ground of our entire being and life’.

Chemical sprays, fertilisers and preservatives created by man are not needed or required when we truly understand and work with nature. Synthetic chemicals are a by product symptom of a globalised world run by large conglomerates, so they can ship vast distances, store more food for longer and create “instant” results, but all the while the damage and knock on effects are huge. Chemical companies have got so big, they are now hardly distinct from food, fertiliser, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. These cartels and super conglomerates are now holding us to ransom, as they are a key feature of our globalist system that ties everything together with their supply chains, banking, legal and burdensome regulations on the small businesses, as competing with the large companies is almost impossible.

People are so stretched financially, that they are forced to buy on price, cheap and nasty processed food that further entrenches big business, prevents people from viable cottage and locally based enterprises, and which feeds big Pharma even more, through the sale of drugs to ease the symptoms caused by poor food and nutrition. Essentially big business has such a monopoly that it curtails our free will choices, and their crony capitalist business model ensures they are almost untouchable across the whole supply chain.

‘Organic’ is a term that can apply across a diverse landscape of our lives. It does not just refer to the absence of chemicals in produce, it describes the process of how ‘organic evolution’ or natural processes take place, and even as a state of mind and ways of thinking. So, Organics is literally a root cause of how life proceeds and evolves, because organic thinking and mindset, is primary ‘cause’ and a mirror of how nature itself grows, from a seed to plant to fruit and back again.

I hope that you can now see why food and Organics is so critical to bring greater balance into our homes, communities, cities, countries and the world? Our world of transacting in life and business, and the environment, has become so far out of balance and away from our natural roots, that something must happen in order to right the ship. We are all connected to the world system, and whatever happens in that system will affect us directly. We simply cannot keep going the way we have been, and the fore along comes this “virus”, which is a symptom of a deeper virus that has taken hold of our mind and world to such an extent, that we each contributed to manifesting what we have today.

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